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Trump Is Reportedly Planning On Pardoning Steve Bannon After He Was Charged With Ripped Off His Supporters

Trump’s been busy his last days in office. He announced a weird garden. He dropped a history pamphlet that downplayed slavery, on MLK Day. But he also threatened to make an avalanche of pardons, which he was a bit slow to do. Indeed, it was mere hours until the end of his presidency that word spread about one of the biggest, and least surprising potential pardons. According to CNN, he’s reportedly going to bestow the honor upon Steve Bannon, his former Senior Counselor, with whom he had a falling out after his departure from the White House in 2017.

Sources stress that nothing is final until Trump signs it — and, as of this writing, he only has about eight hours left in office. And what is the crime for which Bannon would be pardoned? As per CNN, back in August of 2020, he and three accomplices were federally charged with “defrauding donors of more than a million dollars as part of a fundraising campaign purportedly aimed at supporting Trump’s border wall.” In others words, Trump is pardoning Bannon for ripping off his own supporters.

Bannon was a key architect of the outgoing president’s campaign in 2016, a job for which he left his post executive chairman at Breitbart News, where Trump remains a (mostly) hallowed figure to this day. Though the two parted ways — in part because he insulted his kids, even calling Ivanka “dumb as a brick” — they had reportedly reconnected in the last months of Trump’s administration. Bannon allegedly fanned the flames of his voter fraud conspiracy theories, and on the day before the failed MAGA coup, he told listeners of his podcast, called “War Room,” that “All hell is going to break loose tomorrow.”

When news broke of Bannon’s potential pardon, people were quick to point out what he was being pardoned for.

Some remembered Bannon didn’t work alone.

Others reminded people that Bannon, like Trump, is banned from Twitter, albeit for the crime of demanding people be beheaded.

Others remembered other weird Bannon stuff.

Some reminded everyone that Trump doesn’t pardon people because he likes them.

In any case, this hardly means Bannon is out of the woods.

On a more amusing note, there as at least one case of accidentally appropriate autocorrects.

(Via CNN)