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Ted Cruz Is Being Trolled With ‘Traitor’ Billboards In His Neighborhood After A Dip In His Approval Rating

Ted Cruz hasn’t fallen into any new controversies in at least 24 hours, which means that there’s one coming soon because that’s how things go for him. It’s true: only two weeks ago, it turned out that he’d only stopped “sh*tposting” on Twitter because his phone was on airplane mode during his voyage to Cancun while his constituents in Texas literally froze during the state’s power catastrophe. That particular controversy only added existing fuel to Cruz’s encouragement of the failed MAGA coup, and now, there are billboards circulating in the maligned senator’s neighborhood to brand him a “traitor.”

Of course, it remains to be seen whether anything will truly hurt Ted Cruz’s career, since calls for him to resign have been ongoing. He did suffer a notable dip in his approval rating after the Cancun jaunt, but is it enough to matter? After two sizable, back-to-back controversies, he’s down to 49% with nationwide Republicans, but he’s only dropped to 71% with Texas Republicans, which are obviously the people who matter when it comes to reelection.

Nonetheless, he can’t be pleased with this billboard display. Newsweek reveals that multiple trucks have passed by his house, which is the same place where his sad dog looked out a window after Ted flew to Cancun. It’s not fantastic, but Ted Cruz is going nowhere anytime soon.