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After Watching ‘Framing Britney Spears,’ Kim Kardashian Sympathizes With The Pop Star

The recent Framing Britney Spears documentary shed light on the struggles the titular pop star has gone through and continues to endure. This led to multiple reactions online, including from Dua Lipa and now from Kim Kardashian.

Kardashian just got around to watching the documentary and in a series of Instagram Story posts today, she began by noting that it made her feel “empathy” for Spears and that she remembers similar experiences she has undergone. She continued:

“When I was pregnant with North I was suffering from preeclampsia, which made me swell uncontrollably. I gained 60 lbs and delivered almost 6 weeks early and I cried every single day over what was happening to my body mainly from the pressures of being constantly compared to what society considered a healthy pregnant person should look like — as well as being compared to Shamu the Whale by the media. Looking at all of the photos of myself online and in magazines made me so insecure and I had this fear of wondering if I would ever get my pre baby body back. I was shamed on a weekly basis with cover stories that made my insecurities so painful I couldn’t leave the house for months after. It really broke me.

Luckily I was able to take these frustrating, embarrassing feelings and channel it into motivation to get me where I am today, but to say this didn’t take a toll on me mentally would be a lie. I’m sharing this just to say I really hope everyone involved in the business of shaming and bullying someone to the point of breaking them down might reconsider and instead try to show some understanding and compassion. You just never fully know what someone is going through behind the scenes and I’ve learned through my own experiences that it’s always better to lead with kindness.”

Kasdashian then shared a depressingly long gallery of tabloid covers and memes commenting on and poking fun at her weight. She ended by concluding, “These are just a few examples… I’m tired of googling! Ok heading off to my workout now LOL.”

Find Kardashian’s original posts below.


Dua Lipa is a Warner Music artist. Uproxx is an independent subsidiary of Warner Music Group.