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Seth Rogen says he’s stopped working with James Franco after accusations of sexual exploitation

Seth Rogen and James Franco have made some of the funniest and most popular films over the past two decades. The two have starred alongside each other in comedies such as “The Interview,” “Sausage Party,” “Pineapple Express,” and “This is the End.”

However, the two haven’t worked together since 2017’s “The Disaster Artist” and, according to Rogen, a lot of it has to do with the sexual misconduct allegations made against Franco.

In 2014, Franco was accused of soliciting a 17-year-old girl on Instagram. After the teenager revealed her age, Franco still pursued her asking, “You’re single? What’s the hotel? Should I rent a room?”

via Instagram

Since the first allegation, five more women came forward in 2018. They were inspired to share their stories after he wore a “Time’s Up” pin at the Academy Awards. The five of the women accused Franco of inappropriate or sexually exploitative behavior. Four of them were students at his now-defunct acting studio and another claimed Franco was her mentor.

At the time, Franco denied the accusations but applauded the women for speaking up which many called out as a hypocritical attempt to have things both ways.

“The things that I heard that were on Twitter are not accurate, but I completely support people coming out and being able to have a voice because they didn’t have a voice for so long. So, I don’t want to shut them down in any way. It’s a good thing and I support it,” Franco said.

Earlier this year, Franco reached a settlement with two former students at his acting school.

In a recent interview with Britain’s Sunday Times, Rogen spoke out about his professional relationship with Franco.

“What I can say is that I despise abuse and harassment, and I would never cover or conceal the actions of someone doing it, or knowingly put someone in a situation where they were around someone like that,” Rogen said when asked about actress Charlyne Yi’s claim that he enabled Franco.

Rogen also apologized about a joke he made on “Saturday Night Live” in 2014 where he pretended that he pranked Franco by posing as a 17-year-old on Instagram.

Rogen Journal Monologue – Saturday Night Live

“I do look back at a joke I made on ‘Saturday Night Live’ in 2014 and I very much regret making that joke,” adding: “It was a terrible joke, honestly. And I also look back to that interview in 2018 where I comment that I would keep working with James, and the truth is that I have not and I do not plan to right now.”

Rogen told the newspaper that the allegations have created a rift in his relationship with Franco, but sympathies should lie with the accusers.

“I can say it, um, you know, it has changed many things in our relationship and our dynamic.” However, he believes his own situation is “not as painful and difficult as it is for a lot of other people involved. I have no pity for myself in this situation.”

Although Rogen once joked about his former co-star’s behavior it’s good to see him coming around to understanding that Franco’s alleged behavior should be condemned. It took a while for Rogen to publicly discuss his true feelings about Franco, but his ability to put the health and safety of women before his professional and personal relationship with the actor is commendable.