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Bill O’Reilly And Donald Trump Will Blast Hot Air Across America With A Speaking ‘History Tour’ Later This Year

Donald Trump’s post-presidential life isn’t going so hot. He may still, somehow, have an ironclad grip on the Republican party. But he also lives in cruise ship-like resort with a bunch of strangers. His condo properties are losing him money. He gets mocked over things like his pants. And he failed at blogging. But maybe this will work: He’s he and another disgraced conservative, Bill O’Reilly, are going on a speaking tour.

It’s called “The History Tour,” and it will find the pair cruising around the country talking about…well, history, though it’s pretty recent. They’ll talk about his single term as president of the United States, proving “a never before heard inside view of his administration.” They promise to “discuss exactly how things were accomplished, as well as challenges, both good and bad.”

Does that mean the famously unreflective Trump, who either ignores his faults or simply blames them on others, will finally admit that he may have screwed up sometimes? Or will he just rail against his many, many enemies? Probably the latter, especially when it comes to the pandemic he mishandled so spectacularly that it likely cost him a second term.

Trump and O’Reilly will also give their thoughts on the nation, which is currently celebrating both the gradual ending of the pandemic, a president who isn’t Donald Trump.

“I will be focusing on greatness for our Country, something seldom discussed in political dialogue,” he added. “If we don’t make our Country great again, we will soon no longer have a Country! I look forward to working with Bill, who right now has the #1 bestselling book, to openly discuss the real problems of our Country, and how to solve them.”

If that sounds unpleasant, then fear not. Trump, seemingly channeling The Beach Boys, promised they “will be fun, fun, fun, for everyone who attends!”

The tour won’t begin until December 9, and so far it’s only doing pit-stops in Florida, Houston, and Dallas. Here’s hoping they discuss such important matters as the orb, the giant letter, and the time one of them stared directly into a solar eclipse after being warned it could leave him blind.

(Via The Hill)