When one prepares to play a superhero (or supervillain, or antihero) these days, the customary social-media behavior is to post proof that one’s getting “jacked” for the role. No pain, no gain, after all. That’s why Chris Hemsworth‘s jacked arms are getting even more airplay that usual (that, and he’s portraying Hulk Hogan in a biopic) for Thor: Love And Thunder, and The Rock‘s jacked legs are even more superhuman-looking than usual as film (finally) rolls on Black Adam. Jensen Ackles, who’s picking up The Boys‘ Soldier Boy role, also begrudgingly got into the jacked-photo game while remarking, “[M]aybe I’m just too old for this crap.”
Well, Yayha Abdul-Mateen II, who is revisiting his Black Manta role for the upcoming Aquaman 2 production, isn’t playing that game. At least, he’s not showing that game off. Here’s Yayha’s Instagram of some sequel prep work, which involves him lounging on a very comfortable looking bed in casual, non-gym attire, while simply captioning with “Aquaman” and a peace sign. He’s doing his thing. I can respect it.
As long as he’s comfy! And he’s surely much more comfy than The Rock during his several hours per day in the gym. Meanwhile, Aquaman himself, Jason Momoa, has not posted a “ripped” photo that’s specifically themed to sequel prep, but Amber Heard, who is returning as Queen Mera, sort-of did. Heard posted an Instagram video with this caption: “Abs-olutely dying! #aquaman2.” She also (possibly) trolled her haters with M.I.A.’s “Bad Girls” playing in the background, and I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s a signal to those who petitioned to have her fired after the Johnny Depp libel-trial mess.