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A Black Capitol Police Officer Described How MAGA Insurrectionists Repeatedly Spewed The N-Word At Him In Stunning Testimony At The Jan. 6th Commission Hearing

Capitol Police Officer Harry Dunn delivered stunning testimony during the January 6th Select Committee hearing on Tuesday morning. Despite efforts by Republicans to downplay the seriousness of the attack on the U.S. Capitol building following a Donald Trump rally, Officer Dunn’s testimony paints an even darker picture than what was previously known to many about the failed insurrection. While testifying to Congress, Dunn shared several instances of the MAGA rioters using racial slurs after spotting him inside the Capitol. Via Joy-Ann Reid:

Officer Dunn described men in tactical gear waving Trump flags, and wearing MAGA hats telling him they were invited by Donald Trump. He described a woman yelling “you hear that guys? This f—ng ni—er voted for Joe Biden!” Which was followed by a stream of n-bombs from the MAGA.

Officer Dunn says he had never been called a ni—er while in uniform. He describes fellow Black officers saying they had never been called ni—ers to their face before 1/6/21. One was told by the insurrectionists “put your gun down and we’ll show you what kind of ni—er you are.”

As Dunn continued his testimony, he noted that he had never seen anyone attack a Capitol Police officer, or even the Metropolitan PD, until January 6. According to Dunn, he attempted to defuse the situation peacefully, but again, he had racial slurs yelled at him.

Dunn ended his testimony by revealing his shock and anger at the racial motivations behind the attack, which he shared with a fellow officer. “I sat down on a bench in the rotunda with a friend of mine who is also a black Capitol police officer and told him about the racial slurs I endured,” Dunn testified. “I became very emotional and began yelling, ‘How the blank could something like this happen? Is this America?’”

(Via Joy-Ann Reid on Twitter, Aaron Rupar on Twitter)