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Marjorie Taylor-Greene Is Spreading A Nutty Conspiracy About Biden Gifting Weapons To The Taliban

During a new interview with Steve Bannon, Georgia Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor-Greene kept her conspiratorial brand strong by making a nonsensical argument about American gun ownership and the Taliban. While using the chaos in Afghanistan as a backdrop, Greene accused the Biden administration of “paying the Taliban” by gifting them with “weapons, vehicles, Blackhawk helicopters.” In reality, the Afghanistan national army abandoned their weapons and vehicles, which the Taliban immediately seized as soon as U.S. forces left the country, but Greene isn’t one to let a few facts get in the way of a good conspiracy theory.

According to Greene’s illogical rant, Biden’s “gifting” of weapons to the Taliban makes any attempt to enact gun control in America null and void. Never mind that there’s a massive difference between having weaponry in a war zone and on American soil, if the Taliban have assault weapons, then goshdarnit, Americans should have them, too.

Via The Independent:

“Anytime any Democrat ever speaks to America about gun control again, and they want to talk to you about your AR-15, you tell them right now how many weapons and how many semi-automatic weapons did you hand over to terrorists in Afghanistan, to the Taliban, ISIS and possible Al-Qaeda before you ever talk to Americans about gun control,” she told Mr Bannon’s Real America’s Voice podcast.

Naturally, Greene also praised Trump and called him “more presidential” than Biden will ever be while conveniently ignoring the fact that Trump negotiated the withdrawal deal with the Taliban that set the stage for the calamity in Afghanistan.

(Via The Independent)