Find someone who loves you as much as Jim Jordan loves getting owned on social media for saying dumb things. The Ohio representative is mostly famous for being the best buddy of federally investigated colleague Matt Gaetz. You could say he’s the Beavis to Gaetz’s Butt-head. But every now and then he breaks out on his own, tweeting something simple and moronic about, let’s say, the founding fathers. On Tuesday, he decided to tweet something moronic about vaccine mandates.
Ohio should ban all vaccine mandates.
— Rep. Jim Jordan (@Jim_Jordan) October 12, 2021
Mandates to force people to get a humanity-saving cure that could finally bring an end to the pandemic: No, Republicans don’t like them. Jordan especially doesn’t like them, although it’s not clear if he understands them. “Ohio should ban all vaccine mandates,” he tweeted out. It was short and sweet, but not so short that people couldn’t dissect it for all its idiocy.
For starters: which vaccine is he talking about? Is it the flurry of mandates that most people, Jordan included, have had no problem with for the majority of their lives? Or is he against required vaccines for diseases like polio, measles, chicken pox, rubella, etc., etc., etc.?
Whatever the case, people pointed out that Jordan seems to be arguing for a resurgence of many diseases that were long ago considered conquered.
List of Ohio mandated vaccines that Rep Jordan never once objected to & 100% submitted to prior to COVID vaccine:
•Hepatitis B
•Chicken Pox
•MeningococcalReceipts: https://t.co/hkZqe7rgLj https://t.co/xjaHibsIvq
— Qasim Rashid, Esq. (@QasimRashid) October 12, 2021
Wait, so you want to ban all these current state mandates for kids?
“Students are to be fully immunized against the following diseases:
• Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis
• Polio
• Measles, Mumps, Rubella
• HepatitisB
• Varicella(Chickenpox)
• Meningococcal (A, C, W, Y)” https://t.co/xURxHWlMDc— Pete Souza (@PeteSouza) October 12, 2021
Dear @Jim_Jordan: Do you think the smallpox vaccine mandate or the polio vaccine mandate for schools should be eliminated first?
Or perhaps the whooping cough vaccine mandate? My cousin’s friend says that is overrated. Ohio can be the whooping cough capital of the world. https://t.co/46TEvQLb2p
— Ted Lieu (@tedlieu) October 13, 2021
Jim Jordan is running for re-election on the rarely used “Bring Back Polio” platform. https://t.co/Zg2luzOHBW
— Bryan Behar (@bryanbehar) October 13, 2021
Have you been vaccinated?
Did you get the polio vaccine?
Chicken Pox?
Rubella? https://t.co/n9BRPkfC8Q— Brian J. Karem (@BrianKarem) October 13, 2021
All? Every immunization requirement?
Pls. Explain. https://t.co/r1zGUipVZi
— Charlie Sykes (@SykesCharlie) October 13, 2021
Man who just bought stock in an iron lung company supports re-emergence of polio. https://t.co/4RpJxh3V1u
— Drew Tatusko (@DrewTatusko) October 12, 2021
The net impact of Covid on the US will more more measles, pertussis and polio https://t.co/InawBEfNUK
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) October 12, 2021
Gym Jordan wants us to get polio and measles https://t.co/2ODriagPHi
— Mplsmama (@ZiemniakKaren) October 12, 2021
Does that include diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, measles, rubella and chickenpox, or are you just being a twat about COVID because you want to be famous for something more than not wearing a jacket and looking like the unpopular deputy principal of a random high school? https://t.co/d7lUVrKLcb
— Michael Marshall Smith (@ememess) October 12, 2021
Polio says thank you. https://t.co/DvzKYKmgDp
— Paul Lander (@paul_lander) October 12, 2021
Some thought Jordan demanding the government prohibit businesses from enacting mandates didn’t sound terribly Republican.
Gym Jordan advocating government micromanaging of private business: https://t.co/cCmg2rwH32
— Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) October 13, 2021
Others made jokes about his involvement in the sex abuse scandal at Ohio State University, for which he’s still never been held accountable.
Ohio should mandate sexual assault reporting for coaches. https://t.co/aEu6JKAL9m
— Rep. Eric Swalwell (@RepSwalwell) October 12, 2021
You sure? Gym locker rooms will be loaded with hepatitis and diphtheria… https://t.co/rw0okfDJrc
— Bob Cesca (@bobcesca_go) October 13, 2021
Let’s ask some wrestlers what they think about this statement from you and just about you in general. https://t.co/divepreQtQ
— yvette nicole brown (@YNB) October 13, 2021
Although things could always be worse.
Things can always get stupider https://t.co/2lm19Mlt5y
— Thor Benson (@thor_benson) October 12, 2021