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James Carville Thinks Hyper-Woke ‘Lunacy’ Is Hurting Democrats With Voters: ‘These People Need To Go To A Woke Detox Center’

James Carville’s telling it straight to his fellow Democrats when it comes to mopping up the mess after this week’s election losses. That’s what led Ted Cruz to go on a cable-news victory tour and dance all over the place while, strangely, no one is claiming election fraud anywhere. You know that would be the case, had Glenn Youngkin not won the Virginia gubernatorial race over ex-Governor Terry McAuliffe. That issue, though, is beside the point because Republicans saw huge turnout for this week’s elections

Well, veteran Democratic campaign strategist and author James Carville believes that there’s significant backlash to blame here, and he’s pointing the finger at the sharp turn that Democrats have taken into hyper-wokeness. At around the 3:00 minute mark in the above video, PBS NewsHour host Judy Woodruff asked Carville what he believes “went wrong,” and he had a ready answer, which is that Democratic rhetoric is swinging too far to the left:

“What went wrong was this stupid wokeness. Don’t just look at Virginia and New Jersey. Look at Long Island, look at Buffalo, look at Minneapolis, even look at Seattle, Washington. I mean, this defund the police lunacy, this ‘take Abraham Lincoln’s name off schools, people see that. Some of these people need to go to a woke detox center or something.”

It sure sounds like the right wing was ready to push back hard on hyper-wokeness, especially after certain far-right cheerleaders freaked out over a poll that claimed that Republicans might stay home from voting. That didn’t happen here, and yes, there’s a whole lot of extremism on both sides. More to the point, though, Carville believes that the Left is currently “expressing language people just don’t use and there’s a backlash and a frustration at that. Suburbanites in northern Virginia… New Jersey, you know, pulled away a little bit.” He added as well, “Youngkin never ran any ads against Biden,” which suggests that the rhetoric on both extreme sides did all the work in this week’s election, rather than Biden’s low approval ratings.

(Via Mediaite)