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A Florida Shock Jock Pal Of Matt Gaetz Has Pleaded Guilty And Is Rolling Over On Him To Prosecutors As The Walls Close In Even More

Matt Gaetz’s criminal house of cards continues to fall and the latest insider to fold under investigative pressure is a Florida shock jock, who might have damning information on the Congressman’s sex trafficking scandal.

Joe Ellicott (via Yahoo!) pleaded guilty to charges of fraud as well as a separate drug crime according to court documents released last week. Ellicott is the long-time friend of Florida tax official Joel Greenberg, the guy who served as Gaetz’s “wingman” in the sex trafficking ring. Greenberg allegedly created fake IDs for minors so that they could engage in commercial sex acts with himself and other men in his orbit. He may have even helped Gaetz traffic a young girl across state lines for that purpose, paying her through a Venmo account in exchange for sex with the Congressman.

Ellicott’s charges stem from other incidents within Greenberg’s tax office where he’s accused of “paying bribes and kickbacks” to officials on Greenberg’s behalf and illegally selling over $5,000 worth of Adderall to an unnamed client. As part of his plea deal, Ellicott has agreed to work with investigators on this case and, possibly, on the investigation into Gaetz’s sex trafficking ring. Last year, The Daily Beast reported that Ellicott knew intimate details about the 17-year-old girl Gaetz and his group paid for sex and had texts showing Greenberg and himself scrambling to cover up the crime.

Ellicott’s attorney has admitted that his client “might have some information” on the Gaetz allegations and has indicated the former shock jock is ready to do whatever he can to avoid a longer prison sentence.

Now might be the time for Matt Gaetz to start getting worried.

(Via Yahoo!)