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Need a mood booster? Watch babies laugh hysterically over little things

Upworthy recently shared an adorable baby giggling video on our Instagram page (which you definitely want to check out if you’re starved for feel-good stories) and people expressed gratitude for the instant boost of happiness. There’s something so pure about babies expressing joy and it’s nearly impossible not to get flooded with mood-lifting endorphins when you see it.

So we thought we’d collect some of the Internet’s best baby laughs, since we can all use a little extra dopamine right now.

Capturing a baby’s first laugh on video is a precious gift—and this family not only captured their baby’s first laugh, but first laughing fit.

Baby’s first LOL

In addition to head bops, babies find certain sounds rip-roaringly hilarious.

Anyone remember the baby who thought that paper being torn was the funniest thing to ever happen? It never gets old. Paper rip equals baby laugh— right on cue. So freaking cute.

Baby Laughing Hysterically at Ripping Paper (Original)

Seriously, why is paper being ripped in half considered the peak of comedy routines for the wee ones? This baby couldn’t even stay upright. He found paper tearing so funny.

The Baby Laughing at paper

Pretty much any sound can make certain babies laugh. Why? Who knows. Maybe it’s the unexpected aspect of it.

I mean, this baby totally loses it at the sound of a pacifier being popped out of someone’s mouth. After the first time, just the thought of it does him in, as he keeps laughing in anticipation that she’s going to do it again. Every single time.

Baby laughing hysterically at pacifier noise

Oh, baby. If you think a pacifier is chuckle-worthy, wait until your old man starts making fart noises. Fart noises are universally funny and apparently our tendency to giggle at them is ingrained in all of us.

Dad’s Weird Noise Make Baby Laugh

But it’s not just noises. Apparently, something as simple as blowing on dandelions is next level hilarious for the baby set.

Buzz and the Dandelions

And a dog eating popcorn? Forget about it. Apparently there’s nothing funnier in the world.

Baby Girl Laughing Hysterically at Dog Eating Popcorn

How about the baby who laughs at himself every time he gets startled? (It’s impossible not to giggle at this. I’ve tried. It’s seriously not humanly possible).

Baby laughing and chuckling

If one baby laughing is a delight, why not four at once? I can’t imagine having four babies at once, but this video almost makes it look appealing, at least for a few minutes. And again, it’s just a dad making silly sounds that creates the synchronized, double-stereo baby giggles. So. Much. Fun.

Laughing Quadruplet Babies!

For the grand finale, even though this kiddo isn’t technically a baby—more like a young preschooler—his laughter is so infectious and entertaining he had to be included. How much fun would it be to have this kid in class?

Hysterical and contagious laughing boy in music class

No matter how bad things get out in the world, the delight of babies and children enjoying the simplest things in life can always bring us back to a place of joy and gratitude. Anytime you’re feeling down, pull up a baby laughing video. It does the heart good.