We live in a time when the oldest among us grew up without most of the things today’s youth utilize in their daily lives. No computers, no televisions, no internet, no mobile phones (much less smartphones). It’s a completely different world, and that generation gap has only gotten wider the more quickly technology has advanced.
But a generation gap doesn’t have to be a bad thing. In fact, there’s a great deal that people from different generations can learn from one another. And one gentleman from the grandparent generation is using TikTok to celebrate those differences with the most wholesome—and oddly soothing—videos.
Brian Smith was born in the 1940s and the world has changed incredibly since then. Smith acknowledges and marvels at what’s changed, while also asking questions of younger people, while also lulling everyone onto a Zen state with his David Attenborough-like voice.
In one video, he shared how strange it was that he made a phone call on his watch, which used to be used to tell time, while making a video on his phone, which used to be used to make phone calls.
@brian..smith Making a telephone call #phone #watch #time #tiktok
Then he followed up that video with a full-circle commentary on posting that video on TikTok, which is the sound that clocks and watches used to make. Delightful.
@brian..smith Reply to @dylancostley #watch #phone #time #tiktok
Smith often responds to the comments on his videos, such as when someone called him “W human.” Just watch. Seriously wholesome.
@brian..smith Reply to @2_millimeter_defeater_ #generations #language #youth
Frequently, Smith will pose questions to his young audience, asking them about how they use technology.
@brian..smith Reply to @fnatma Does text have a future? #communication #text #video
His sincere curiosity and desire to learn about the sociological differences between generations is inspiring.
@brian..smith Do you use email? #asktiktok
@brian..smith Talk to me about usernames #name #username #handles
Definitely David Attenborough vibes, with some Bob Ross and Fred Rogers thrown in for good measure.
The gentleman even has an epic model train setup, because of course he does.
@brian..smith Model railway #model #railway #underground #tube
Smith shares snippets of history and also weighs in on current events. He has a special interest in Russia’s invasion of Ukraine because he made a Russian friend online a while back and learned to speak Russian as a result.
He shared his concerns many times in the months leading up to the invasion.
@brian..smith William Hague in today’s Times newspaper #politics
And he’s spoken out for peace along with most of the world.
@brian..smith Reply to @green4x Peace in Ukraine #мир #peace #ukraine #украина #україна
But the generational commentary Smith shares is the best. It’s great to see someone of the older generation embracing technology, remaining curious and keeping an open mind. He loves to learn and it’s so fun to see him with one foot in his own generation and one in, as he says, “Generation Zed.”
@brian..smith Reply to @bmcdeez #change #history #technology
Seriously, Brian Smith. Be more lovable.
@brian..smith I do love TikTok #fun #barber #fleetstreet
Follow @brian..smith on TikTok.