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Rootin’ Tootin’ Lauren Boebert And Her Primary Challenger Are Already Slinging Mud At Each Other

Lauren Boebert hasn’t even been in Congress for a full two years, but she’s already made such a laughingstock out of herself that a serious primary challenger has already popped up in her home state of Colorado. Old school Republican Don Coram will officially square off against Boebert in June after securing enough signatures to get on the ballot. His message? Restore dignity to the congressional seat that Boebert has smeared with her “embarrassing juvenile antics on the national stage.”

Naturally, Boebert’s campaign has already begun lashing out at her challenger as she aims to remain in Congress alongside her QAnon partner in crime, Marjorie Taylor Greene. Via Denver Gazette:

“Don Coram is a corrupt liberal who buddies up to Democrats every chance he gets,” her campaign said. “Corrupt Coram will be soundly defeated in the Republican primary because Congresswoman Lauren Boebert is the only conservative in this race.”

Coram, however, is not taking Boebert’s attacks lying down. “I look forward to setting the record straight on the lies Lauren Boebert and her supporters have peddled,” Coram told the Gazette. “I will make the case to primary voters as to why I am the most qualified candidate to represent them and their families.”

Coram, however, is facing an uphill battle. Despite her repeated scandals, Boebert earned the “overwhelming support” of the GOP’s 3rd Congressional District assembly in Colorado Springs last week. Apparently, the GOP party in Colorado doesn’t mind it when their candidates heckle a sitting president talking about his dead son and/or have no idea how gender works.

(Via Denver Gazette)