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Britney Spears Says The ‘Thrill Of The Business’ Has Been ‘Ruined’ For Her ‘100000%’

Given everything that’s been going on in her life, Britney Spears understandably hasn’t been super active when it comes to releasing new music and performing. Now she says she doesn’t have the same enthusiasm for the business now as she once did, saying it’s been “ruined” for her.

In an Instagram post yesterday, Spears wrote:

“Being a stay-at-home mom not having people do my hair and makeup .. waiting and waiting in those dressing rooms with my dad and the weirdest woman ever in every f*cking dressing room I was in for 14 years … I look back now and I’m like ‘how did I do that ???’ Honestly just the thought of being in the same building as them let alone the same room makes the hair on my arms stand up !!! They’ve ruined the thrill of the business for me 100000% !!! Let’s make it a 10 year break [crying laughing emojis] [monkey covering eyes emojis] …”

Elsewhere in the post, she noted she’s considering starting a podcast and wrote about parenthood.

Find Spears’ post below.

“I’ve never been a makeup junky I will confess … getting tons of lipsticks from different companies … well I never got a thrill out of that !!! But I will be honest and say … that has changed !!! I never thought I would say this but I am a makeup junkie !!! From 1-10 … I’m probably a 5 makeup junkie !!!

Being a stay-at-home mom not having people do my hair and makeup .. waiting and waiting in those dressing rooms with my dad and the weirdest woman ever in every f*cking dressing room I was in for 14 years … I look back now and I’m like ‘how did I do that ???’ Honestly just the thought of being in the same building as them let alone the same room makes the hair on my arms stand up !!! They’ve ruined the thrill of the business for me 100000% !!! Let’s make it a 10 year break [crying laughing emojis] [monkey covering eyes emojis] …

with a baby on the way my thought this morning was ‘I’m so scared to make a mistake … Will I be thoughtful enough ??? Will I be instinctive enough ???’ My mom and I always butted heads … she was a mindful mother which that’s all there is in LA … If anyone was sick … she would talk on the phone with a doctor for 40 minutes before using her own brain … but let’s be MINDFUL and talk about it !!!

Now ME … I always got judged and was told I was doing the wrong thing … Yet when I was 8 years old and had no lie a 104.3 fever … I was in my brother’s bunk bed and wasn’t moving well … My mom came in there only 1 time and I knocked the fever myself !!! In Los Angeles it’s about the children but at the time I was growing up … it was all about respecting your parents … I washed my mother’s back everyday of my life when she asked for ice water so I brought it to her in seconds !!!

Jesus Christ how things have changed !!! The generation today doesn’t even acknowledge others or say hi with a smile because they are always looking down on their phones !!! I can’t even tell you how many times I did shows where young girls literally had their backs turned around looking at their phones … whatever that’s how it is now ver …

another example of instinct vs. mindfulness … Jayden had an extremely high fever one time … my heart went into my stomach because he. had never been this hot before !!! His little eyes were so lazy … do you think I called a doctor ??? He was 9 and I picked him up like a baby and brought him all the way upstairs to my room and put his little body in the tub lukewarm … not too cold .. not too hot … he was still hot so l got a cold compress and put on his head and gave him a fever reducer … I took him out of the tub and he had chills !!! ‘Chills … Mamma I’m too cold…’ I put a heating pad at his feet and kept a wet compress on his head … I let him lay there for 20 minutes and then I repeated it … his fever went down the second time I bathed him !!! I tried to put crackers or anything in his system but he didn’t want it .. so | slept with him that night and when he woke up … he was eating pancakes like nothing happened !!!

God knows I’m no saint but the media destroyed me when I first became a mother … My first record came out when I was 16 and I got pregnant at 24 … I thought about it last night … was a baby raising 2 babies with 17 cars outside my house !!! I didn’t know how to play the game … I didn’t even know how to dress or fix my hair !!! I was clueless and I wasn’t the brightest bulb on the tree either !!! I know that’s no excuse but it is what it is … I do know from the outside and by what was said in the news people were like ‘WTF is going on with her ???’

The media has always been EXTREMELY rude to me … so I woke up this morning saying to myself ‘do i need to do a podcast during this pregnancy instead of therapy ???’ And I mean it !!! Is my instinct just as it was when I helped Jayden ??? It’s instinct !!! Something to declare all these crazy mixed emotions and hormones … I don’t want to be an angry pregnant person eating donuts every morning … then I thought about it … It’s going to be ok !!! Just be me and stop trying so hard !!!

So I reeled it in came back to reality and realized becoming a makeup junkie isn’t so bad !!! It’s the little things in finding myself that I’ve honestly missed for the last 14 years !!! It’s time for me to indulge into thinking … books … makeup …. classic movies … great conversation … and the best sex ever !!! Sex is great when you’re pregnant.

It’s going to be ok and now that @ArianaGrande sent me this unbelievable packaging with her new makeup line @REMbeauty … I believe my day is set !!! Yes I’ve put it on already and I’m not lying … it’s pretty awesome !!! The colors are not only subtle and cool but the way it lays on your face is like silk … literally !!! Thank you Ariana for this amazing gift. I needed eyeshadow !!! How did you know ??? God bless …”