Sebastian Stan’s first Emmy nom led to him pointing out the fantastic work from everyone else on Pam & Tommy. That actually sounds about right (coming from him), but there’s no denying that Stan really went all out as Tommy Lee while (literally) letting it all hang out. And the show’s being roundly recognized by the awards shot with ten nominations, including acting nods for Lily James (as Pam, obviously) and Seth Rogen (as mulletted sex-tape thief Rand Gauthier) and a Best Limited Series nomination.
There’s no newly created Animatronic Talking Penis category for the Emmys, sadly, but them’s the breaks. As for Stan, he wants to recognize those who put him in a chair for several daily hours of hair and makeup, and yup, the limited series got a nod in the Period And/Or Character Makeup (Non-Prosthetic) category. Nipple rings and tattoos are not easy to replicate!
“Massive congratulations to our INCREDIBLE hair and make-up team spearheaded by @davidwilliamsmakeup and @barryleemoe,” Stan wrote on Instagram. “[A]s well as our costumer @kameronlennoxcostumes who transformed us right before our eyes!! YOU DESERVE EVERYTHING.” Also, he referred to Lily James as “my partner till the end of the line.” Man, Steve Rogers is gonna be so jealous when he reads this from Bucky:
Notably, Stan took the time to acknowledge how the show embraced the discomfort when it came to parsing out how Gauthier’s crime (along with he and Tommy Lee’s beef) smacked Pamela right in the soul, and the show’s also a critique of the public response:
#PAMANDTOMMY is about a crime that took place without Consent. It was a crime on privacy, a crime on love, a crime on family, and a crime that we were ALL a culprit of, as media and audience combined, and it’s now more timely than ever. I hope this can only help continue the conversation we had hoped to bring to light, and that we can remember to re-examine our projections and our salacious attitudes not only towards @pamelaanderson and @tommylee, but also towards ourselves and our exploitation of one another.
The Emmys will broadcast on September 4 (on NBC and Peacock).