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Trump’s (Literal) Butt Might Be To Blame For Alleged January 6 Witness Tampering, According To A Newsmax Host

Newsmax host Greg Kelly tried to explain away evidence of Donald Trump’s attempted witness tampering by using the old “accidental butt dial” excuse.

During the House Oversight Committee’s Jan. 6th hearing yesterday, Republican Liz Cheney dropped a bombshell, revealing that Trump had attempted to contact a witness scheduled to testify in front of the panel. That person’s identity has not been revealed and they haven’t been called in front of the committee as of yet but according to Cheney, the witness did not answer Trump’s call and referred it to their lawyer who, in turn, informed the committee. Cheney said the call had been turned over to the Department of Justice for further investigation adding that the committee “will take any effort to influence witness testimony very seriously.”

Attempting to influence a witness in a Congressional trial determining whether you helped instigate an insurrection is a serious charge so, naturally, Kelly (via The Daily Beast) and the Trump fanboys over at Newsmax had some ridiculous excuses ready to explain away the former president’s reported behavior. First, Kelly attempted a bit of a humble brag by claiming he’s received multiple calls from Trump and there’s absolutely no way his name shows up on someone’s caller ID.

“Not to drop names but I received a phone call from the president on more than one occasion, and you actually can’t tell it’s him calling,” he said. “He’s got some system, you don’t know.”

Then, Kelly tried to claim that it was Trump’s sizeable butt that really got him in trouble.

“How do you know the president actually called him? And they didn’t answer,” he questioned while waving his own smartphone around. “Hey, maybe it was a butt dial, huh? Tell the Justice Department that.”

Even for it to have been a butt dial, Trump would’ve still had to actively search for the witness’ contact information before one of his cheeks went rogue but, if for Newsmax followers, these are the only two options for rationalizing this potentially criminal behavior. Either they buy in to the idea that anyone, let alone a right-wing TV personality is out in these streets, answering blocked numbers on the off-chance one might belong to a former U.S. President, or accept the fact that even Donald Trump’s butt wants to seem him behind bars.

(Via Daily Beast)