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Rage Against The Machine’s Tom Morello Was Accidentally Tackled By Security After A Fan Ran Onstage

After a two-year delay, Rage Against The Machine finally kicked off their long-awaited reunion tour earlier this month. It’s clear that many were and still are excited to see the band perform live, but during a show in Toronto, that excitement proved to be a little too much. During the concert on Saturday night, Rage Against The Machine was getting ready to close out the night with a performance of “Killing In The Name” when a fan decided to make a break for it and run onstage. Luckily, a prepared security guard was there to alter the fan’s plans, and while that happened, Tom Morello got caught up in the action.

The security guard pushed the fan offstage as they ran across it, but their momentum also caused them to push Morello which resulted in the guitarist falling off the stage. The moment brought a wavy of worry to the crowd and Morello’s bandmates, but he got up with some help, dusted himself off, and shared a wave to the audience to assure them that he was all good. This earned a cheer of approval from the crowd as it all proved to be a suspenseful end to the band’s concert.

The incident occurred after singer Zack de la Rocha injured his leg during the tour’s second stop, forcing him to be mostly seated during performances since then.

You can watch the video of the incident above.