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Lauren Boebert’s Raging Husband’s Desire ‘To Fight With Everyone In The Neighborhood’ Reportedly Led To Cops Being Called By Their Neighbors

Lauren Boebert’s a master at deflection, especially when it comes to crossing her at-home and legislative worlds. When Shooter’s Grill went down in flames, for example, she chattered about everything else, and in response to persistent talk of her husband exposing his bare crotch in a bowling alley, Boebert shifted the blame to the woman who had to witness the display. Jayson Boebert’s quite a character, as well, and as it turns out, he caused a real mess in their Colorado neighborhood.

As the Denver Post reveals, Jayson threw a temper tantrum after some kids (including one of he and Lauren’s sons) were dangerously playing outside. Property damage apparently occurred when kids were racing around in a dune buggy, but after a neighbor complained, Jayson reportedly exploded. No one was arrested, but Jayson seems to be the antagonist of the incident. Here’s how the Denver Post describes what went down:

The kids reportedly raced up and down the street and after the neighbors asked them to slow down “all hell broke loose,” a person described as “rp,” which typically stands for “reporting party,” told deputies. The congresswoman’s husband, Jayson Boebert, reportedly “threatened and yelled” at the person who called deputies “telling them to shut the f– up.”

That neighbor, who could not immediately be reached for comment, was reportedly very “rattled” by the incident, the documents show. Jayson Boebert “is looking to fight with everyone in neighborhood,” the reporting party told police. He “claimed someone took a swing at his son.”

The situation came to light via the American Muckrakers PAC, the same organization that went after Madison Cawthorn and got him unseated in a primary after unveiling a whole gaggle of damning statements and embarrassing videos. The PAC didn’t manage to do the same for Boebert’s primary (although they did already deliver news on an old accident, after which Boebert reportedly behaved badly, and more), but they’re presumably still hoping to push Boebert outta Congress in the November general election. And as unwittingly as it seems, Jayson seems to be kind-of doing his part.

(Via Denver Post)