If you’ve been wondering where Jinder Mahal went after declaring his return to Monday Night Raw following 10 months away following knee surgery would be a, “hero’s journey,” we have the answer. Per a post made on Instagram on Friday morning, the Modern Day Maharajah has gone, “under the knife again to fix some knee issues.”
And … well, that’s all we have right now. No word yet on what type of surgery Mahal had or how much time he’ll miss.
As mentioned, Mahal had just returned to action after 10 months away for a previous knee surgery. That injury came way back in June of last year — I can’t remember April right now, much less “June of last year” — when he ruptured his patella tendon in a match with Mustafa Ali in Denver, CO. He defeated Akira Tozawa in short order before declaring that this run would be a hero’s journey, punctuated by reports that he’d been re-positioned as a good guy, counter-intuitive to his normal role of capitalizing on Singh Brothers run-ins and making people boo him for speaking a foreign language.
We hope this surgery was preventive maintenance and not another 10 month vacation, and wish Jinder a speedy recovery. If nothing else, you can’t have a magical 3MB reunion if you don’t do Mahal vs. Drew McIntyre for the WWE Championship first.