Everything comes to an end eventually, and after nine seasons it appears the bell has tolled for Chrisley Knows Best. No, it wasn’t because ratings had declined or some merger screwed it up or the cast simply wanted to move on. In fact, it’s because the cast is moving on to somewhere they don’t want to be: prison.
Over the summer, amidst a certain other high-profile trial, a jury found reality TV stars Todd and Julie Chrisley guilty on various charges of fraud and tax evasion. On Monday, some five months later, their sentences finally came in. As per WBS-TV out of Atlanta, Georgia, a federal judge awarded Todd 12 years in prison as well as 16 months of probation. Julie “only” received seven years, plus 16 months of probation. Todd won’t begin his sentence until May after he’s finished recovering from hip surgery.
The Chrisleys, who had first been indicted in 2019, were found guilty in June of conspiring to defraud community banks out of over $30 million in fraudulent loans between 2007 and 2012. They were alleged to have targeted smaller banks, believing they were less diligent about checking in on potential loanees.
Deadline reports that Chrisley Knows Best — which premiered in 2014 and spawned a media empire around Todd, a colorful real estate tycoon, and his family — has since been cancelled. It had been renewed for a 10th season — right before its two main stars were convicted. They managed to shoot at least enough for USA Network to air a handful of new episodes. Fate has also come for Love Limo, a greenlit dating show that was to be hosted by Todd. Alas, he’ll be a little busy elsewhere.