(Emily In Paris spoilers will obviously be found below.)
If you’re reading this blog post, then you most definitely have already binged Emily In Paris Season 3 in less than a week. And you’re probably wondering how long you have to wait to see fallout from the cliffhanger ending. Camille being pregnant with Gabriel’s baby further complicates matters, and there’s no telling whether he and Emily will get together for real or if he’ll try (in vain) to make things work with his runaway bride. Then there’s the matter of Camille cheating on Gabriel (with a woman, so he’s almost certainly the father), and it’s a rip-roaring mess in France, alright.
Will there be a Season 4 of this wildly popular show? Yes, that round was greenlit after the show’s successful Season 2. Will the next followup contain a reference to those murderous gays due to Bruno Gouery appearing in The White Lotus, to the surprise of Emily fans? One can only hope. Now, onto the question of a release date because even the dudes enjoy this fluffy show.
According to Variety, filming of Seasons 3 and 4 bumped right up against each other and began in September 2022. In all likelihood, Season 4 is in the can with gears churning towards making it a fully realized batch of episodes. This is similar to the approach taken by Seasons 4 and 5 of Netflix’s Cobra Kai as previously revealed to us by fan-favorite cast member Jacob Bertrand. That approach allowed us to see two Cobra Kai seasons within one year of each other, so can we cross fingers for the same pattern with Emily In Paris (perhaps with a late 2023 release)?
Hopefully, that’s the case. Also worth noting: Netflix has been slow to green light Season 6 of Cobra Kai despite a rabid audience reception for Season 5, so will Season 4 of Emily In Paris be followed by the same streaming hesitation? That would be a shame, but let’s hope that further renewal news for both shows will soon be forthcoming. In the meantime, maybe the McBaguette will be kind enough to make a stateside appearance.
Emily In Paris Season 3 is now streaming on Netflix.