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A Heavily Spray-Tanned Former President Has Released An Unhinged Four-Minute Video Accusing The FBI Of Conspiring Against Him, Which Is Just How Things Are Now

Donald Trump clearly woke up with conspiracy theories on the brain. The former president dropped a four minute long video on Truth Social where he more or less accuses Joe Biden, the FBI, and “tech tyrants” of wielding their dark, deep state powers against him. But don’t take Trump’s word for it. According to the former president, Elon Musk has been exposing the whole nefarious plot with his “Twitter Files.” It’s all right there. Don’t you see?!

“The now-famous Twitter Files have proven beyond all doubt that the corrupt officials at the FBI have been coordinating censorship and surveillance propaganda campaign against the American people and, frankly, against me,” Trump ranted, via Mediaite, before getting into, sigh, COVID lockdown conspiracies. “They suppressed doctors and health experts who dared to question approved health narratives. They censored voices who criticized school closures, lockdowns, and mandates, and they even banned people for stating proven scientific facts and anything bad about China, they didn’t want out.”

Of course, this most concerning part of Trump’s video came when he tasked the now Republican-controlled Congress with holding hearings to investigate the “deep state” that’s wronged him so.

“The new Congress should immediately hold hearings to investigate the role of the FBI and other federal agencies in censoring lawful speech,” Trump declared. “Congressional leaders should promptly issue subpoenas in furtherance of this goal. The revelations also highlight why my proposal to end the revolving door between the deep state and there is a deep state indeed. I wasn’t a believer, but everybody’s a believer right now.”

Great. Cool. This is just how things are now, apparently. Everything is fine.

(Via Mediaite)