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Trump’s Highly-Anticipated But Epic Failure Of A Tulsa Rally Is Being Compared To Fyre Fest

Donald Trump’s return to the campaign trail amid the COVID-19 pandemic didn’t go off the way his campaign hoped on Saturday. CNN reported that the campaign expected a sold out BOK Center and around 40,000 people outside at an overflow rally. But Saturday night brought images of plenty of empty seats in Tulsa and an overflow rally that was abruptly canceled because no one was outside.

The Trump campaign quickly blamed counter-protesters for not allowing people to enter the arena, but reports on the scene from accredited media said that was not the case. Whether it was a rumored campaign by K Pop fans or TikTok teens to flood the campaign with huge requests for tickets or simple hubris, the crowd that showed up on Saturday was much smaller than anyone organizing the rally anticipated.

Both Trump and vice president Mike Pence were scheduled to speak to the crowd outside the venue, but as the rally grew closer it was clear that the “overflow” area didn’t have any actually in it. The campaign soon canceled the planned speeches and started to take down parts of the stage before the rally inside began.

Many people on Twitter made a comparison to Fyre Fest, the viral concert failure that spawned a pair of movies and a million tweets.

A number of people tweeted out the infamous picture of the Fyre Fest luxury meals when comparing it to the rally.

Even Cardi B had a laugh at Trump’s expense.

Later during CNN’s coverage of the rally, a commentator on the network actually compared it to Fyre Festival. Trump’s Tulsa rally probably won’t end up with quite the disaster fallout that Fyre Fest had, but it’s clear the night did not go down like the president hoped.