Ted Cruz generally doesn’t let the world know whether he’s upset about being dragged, but the Internet might have struck a nerve this week. He’s endured (well deserved) Cancun jokes and a merciless dragging by the star of one of his favorite movies, The Princess Bride. Ted even left his much maligned Fight Club take remain intact, so it’s quite something when he actually deletes a tweet.
That appears to be exactly what happened. A tiny bit of backstory: Ted and many of his GOP colleagues love to criticize President Biden over the longstanding chaos at the U.S.-Mexico border. Heck, Marjorie Taylor Greene recently made what could be more than a typo by claiming that Biden had let a majority of the global population surge over the border. Ted has spent some time at the border while lurking in the bushes like a “Brooks Brothers Bear Grylls,” so he might think that Biden should do the same. And now there’s what appears to be a now-deleted tweet about how “Biden has never been to the border. He went to El Paso, which is 800 miles from the Rio Grande Valley.”
As screencaps indicate, Ted would have been promoting his recent Fox News appearance, in which he accused Biden of aiding the journey of cartel heads from “vicious murderers” into billionaires. Well, we now know that Ted Cruz has not been watching Narcos or Narcos: Mexico on Netflix. Also, here’s what Cruz said on Fox News (around the 4:00 mark in the below clip):
“You have Joe Biden, who’s been to the southern border once. He went to El Paso, 800 miles from the Rio Grande Valley. And amazingly enough, he says that he went to our southern border and didn’t see a single illegal alien, which is extraordinary political theater because they cleaned everyone off the streets and said, look. Nobody’s here.”
How could Ted not consider El Paso to be a border city? Social media seems puzzled by this as well.
Does Ted Cruz know that El Paso is literally on the border with Mexico, and is in fact a key border entry area?
Those of us who’ve actually been to Texas are aware. pic.twitter.com/FdO23p4TXV
— robert jon anderson (@RobAnderson2018) March 9, 2023
Actually, let me be clear. Cruz knows El Paso is a border town. But it is not one that fits his narrative. El Paso was one of the 10 safest cities in the US in 2019. It still ranks among the best to raise a family. So he redirects the gaze to fit his mythology. https://t.co/Ldqej2CuIY
— Kate Aguilar (@profkateaguilar) March 9, 2023
Do you ever stop and think about how Ted Cruz, the 10 year Senator for Texas, thinks El Paso, a very important border town, is actually not on the border at all and is in fact 800 miles from it? Well you should because what the fuck dude. I’m in Ohio and I knew that. pic.twitter.com/qPwHKYtKU2
— @[email protected] (@DeynaRudderbutt) March 10, 2023
“Biden never went to the Border. He went to El Paso” is a real thing said by a real Senator from Texas.@tedcruz
— Nunca Trumpismo (@NeverTrumpTexan) March 9, 2023
Our Senator, Ted Cruz, literally said that El Paso isn’t on the border. Even if he is evidently unaware of the geography of his own state, he ran against @BetoORourke who literally talked about being from the border town of El Paso every day of their race. https://t.co/ZOErUuI0PJ
— Carolyn Foote (@technolibrary) March 9, 2023
“Biden has never been to the border” followed by “he went to El Paso” is, even for Ted Cruz, an insanely stupid comment especially from an elected official from the State of … wait for it … fucking Texas
(My and all my fellow geography nerds’ heads are exploding right now
) https://t.co/jCdtEBu2wk pic.twitter.com/1FTALTxEpv
— Mr. Duolingo (@ConorJDooley_94) March 9, 2023
Ted Cruz claims to be a senator from Texas but doesn’t know El Paso is on the border with Mexico across from Juarez??
Maybe he should make more visits to El Paso instead of Cancun. pic.twitter.com/PQ28cdnMau
— former assistant to the manager at tweeter dot com (@WhatsAnIceberg) March 8, 2023
WTF did someone move the entire city of El Paso and only informed Ted Cruz? pic.twitter.com/DKzteNrTPE
— MissFedUp
(@Lulubobcat1) March 9, 2023
Perhaps Ted was trying to make his own type of point, but whatever the case, it appears that he actually rethought his words and deleted a tweet. So this remains a mystery, but it doesn’t seem like this type of Twitter mess can be blamed on an intern.
Ted Cruz is technically right El Paso is not in “the Rio Grande Valley,” a very specific area that encompasses Brownsville, Matamoros, McAllen, and Reynosa. But El Paso is absolutely part of “the border”, and Biden was literally visiting an area where Trump constructed a wall. https://t.co/v0ISLzBpw6
— Matthew Chapman (@fawfulfan) March 9, 2023