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Everyone Is Making The Same ‘Con Air’ Joke About Trump’s Plane Flying To NYC For His Arraignment

Donald Trump was recently indicted by a grand jury (you might have heard), so today, the significantly less wealthy former president was forced to leave his Mar-a-Lago golf resort where he had been holed up after losing the 2020 presidential election to Joe Biden. (A fact that Trump has still not accepted as evidenced by his repeated rants about the election being “stolen.”)

A few hours ago, Trump took off in his private plane, which was hard to miss considering it has the word TRUMP blazoned across it in all caps. While Fox News treated the former president’s takeoff with an odd level of dramatic reverence and proclamations of destiny, the rest of the internet had a freaking field day giving Trump’s plane a very apt nickname: Con Air.

If you’re not aware of the plot for this ’90s classic, probably stop reading this post and go watch it now. Immediately. Seriously, nothing we’re going to say here will compare to 120 minutes of Nicolas Cage at the height of his action star phase. The whole thing is so wild that you won’t even care about the terrible Southern accent, which oddly, adds to the whole experience.

Anyway, the movie revolves around Cage’s character facing off against a hijacked plane full of convicts, hence the name Con Air. Considering Trump is on his way to face criminal charges, the name also works for his Florida to New York City jaunt. You can see Twitter running wild with the gag below:

And, of course, it wouldn’t be a Twitter-fest without a hilariously great photoshop:

You’re welcome.