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Trump Is Furious At Fox News For Always Using The ‘Absolute Worst’ Photos Of Him

Donald Trump has steam coming out of his ears, Yosemite Sam-style, about Fox News failing to cover a single county in Michigan naming “Man of the Decade.” But his tantrum goes deeper — and more vain — than that. What he’s really mad about is the network using “horrible” photos of him, even though he’s the Most Handsome Man of the Century (by his own estimation, at least).

“Three people in New Hampshire asked me why FoxNews uses such ‘horrible’ pictures of me when doing or promoting a story,” the indicted former president fumed on Truth Social. “The coloring, distortions, everything are just so bad. They must sit and look at 100 different shots, and then take the 10 absolute worst. My staff has even complained about it for months, but to no avail. Fox is just bad news, but I’m leading in the Polls by record numbers, so perhaps their bull…. is just not working. They are down 37% for a reason!”

This is the same guy who ordered the official White House photographer to “carry around a stool to all events to shoot the president from above” so he can “appear slimmer and taller,” so it’s not a surprise that Trump has a bee in his bonnet about this particular issue (also, if he’s elected president in 2024, women will be required to wear bonnets when they appear in public). I’m not sure why he’s worried, though. He’s very photogenic.

trump face
Getty Image

Looking good, sir!

(Via Raw Story)