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What Products Contain Aspartame?

Perhaps you saw the news today about aspartame possibly being a carcinogen? You may have even wondered, “Gee, I wonder what products contain aspartame?!” We sure did! So we did some digging around and here’s what we found in terms of the products most likely to be part of your daily life that contain this stuff — most of which are products marketed as “diet” and/or “sugar-free.”

Diet Coke: Yep, the former president’s “garbage” drink of choice is probably the most widely consumed product containing aspartame.

Many other diet drinks and drink mixes: In addition to some other diet soft drinks, some Snapple products are known to contain aspartame, and some Crystal Lite drink mixes are known to contain it. Be sure to check the packaging of these sorts of products.

Artificial sweeteners like Equal and Nutrasweet: Splenda and Stevia are far superior anyway.

Many sugar-free chewing gums: Again, be sure to read the packaging on your favs next time you’re in the grocery store. Don’t tell Adele.

Many sugar-free ice creams and desserts: Sugar-free Jell-O is probably the most notable here.

Now, it should be noted that this announcement will probably be met with some skepticism. Reports the Guardian:

The move is likely to prove controversial. The IARC has faced criticism for causing alarm about hard-to-avoid substances or situations. It previously put working overnight and consuming red meat into its probably cancer-causing class, and listed using mobile phones as possibly cancer-causing.

Maybe all we can do is live our lives and hope for the best!