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Don Jr. Tweeted About The Suspected Cocaine Found At The White House, And Of Course People Had Jokes

Less than a month ago, Don Jr. was teary-eyed and twitchy as hell during a media appearance meant to discuss his dad’s indictments (after the revelation of those Mar-a-Lago bathroom pictures). Within that appearance, he rubbed his nose while seemingly unable to sit still, and of course, viewers had thoughts. Those reactions came from people who remembered his amped-up Fox News rants and his glassy-eyed missives, possibly from “Motel 6.”

Don Jr. has been keeping his habit of rambling alive lately, too. He tossed out a conspiracy theory about his Titanic submersible, and for whatever reason, Australians have been trying to keep him out of their country, but you’d better believe that when suspected cocaine turned up inside the White House on Sunday night, Don Jr. was going to have something to say about Hunter Biden.

As the New York Times notes, President Biden and fam were not on the grounds during the discovery, and initial hazmat tests for a white powder showed “a yellow bar saying cocaine hydrochloride.” The origins of this substance are still under investigation by the Secret Service, but Don Jr. pounced by tweeting a link to a right-wing outlet’s reporting of the story while adding, “#WheresHunter?”

Don Jr Cocaine Tweet
Via Donald Trump Jr on Twitter

And naturally, people could not resist Don Jr.’s Hunter Biden quips while reminding him of rumors that have circulated about himself. There was a whole lot of “Did you lose track of your stash AGAIN?!?” and “Jr., they found your stash?”

JoFromJerz on Twitter
Via JoeFromJerz on Twitter
4HumanUnity on Twitter
Via 4HumanUnity on Twitter
1shermore on twitter
Via 1shermore on twitter

You can see the deluge of jokes on Twitter in response to Don Jr. raising the subject.

In other words, America’s birthday on Twitter was as explosive as expected.