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Piers Morgan Is Daring Trump To Stop Being ‘Cowardly’ And Debate His Fellow GOP Candidates

Donald Trump has always portrayed himself as something he’s not. He says he’s rich, but he grifts his own supporters. He says he’s a good businessman, but he has multiple bankruptcies (to say nothing of all its legal woes). He also says he’s strong, but he refuses to participate in GOP primary debates — and definitely not because he’ll get clobbered by one of his former buds. Speaking of, one of his current sorta-pals is egging him into rethinking that one.

As per Mediaite, Piers Morgan had a little chat with Kellyanne Conway on Fox News Tonight Tuesday. The former counsel to the former president bragged about how the big guy loves a fight, so obviously loves how crowded the GOP field has become.

“The more people who run, the more competition, the better for Donald Trump,” Conway said. She then marveled that he plans on sitting out what to him must be the most fun part of campaigning. “Trump loves competition. I think he should show up to the debate.”

Conway noted that he’s “way ahead with “very little to gain.” Still, she wondered, “why stay at home and watch them all talk about you?”

“Donald Trump is many things,” said Morgan. “But in all the time I’ve known him, I’ve never known him to duck a challenge or be a coward. So, if you’re watching, Donald, come on.”

“He’s not being a coward at all,” Conway argued. “He’s being a frontrunner.

“No,” Morgan averred. “It’s cowardly. Get on that stage and show us what you’re made of. If you want to be president again, you gotta come out and face the debate music. Haven’t you? Come on, Donald. You know you want to secretly.”

Morgan added, “He remains the biggest star out there, but he has to turn up. Otherwise, your star can quickly wane.”

Of course, Trump star has not managed to wane so far. Remember his terrible end to last year, when he dined with anti-Semites and released NFTs mocked even by his base? It wasn’t long before he was back on top. What he does have is an epic persecution complex, and he’s claimed Fox News has been “very prejudiced” towards him. Thing is, Fox is reportedly souring on his closest rival, Meatball Ron, and they might have to pinch their nose and go back to kissing his ring — even if he gets them sued to kingdom come again.

(Via Mediaite)