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Here are 19 ‘unconventionally attractive’ types people love, proving everyone is beautiful

As a culture, we are always talking about the fact that the “ideal” man or woman we see represented in advertising is so unattainable that it damages people’s mental health. But the reality is that when it comes to dating, 99% of us aren’t out there looking for someone the media thinks is ideal. We’re much more likely to search for the “type” we like best. And what’s cool is that just about everyone is somebody’s type, whether they know it or not.

The funny thing is that some people have a very specific type, while others cast a much wider net.

A Redditor by the name of MyPasswordIsABC999 asked people on the forum to share a “type” they’re attracted to but “too embarrassed” to tell anyone. The question was a big hit, receiving over 17,000 responses, and most were proud of their type. In fact, the most popular comment on the thread was, “So many of these aren’t embarrassing.”

People shared all the different types they’re into, whether it’s those who are larger, thinner, have big or small features, and are tall, short or medium height. They also shared their favorite personality types, whether geeky, assertive, nice or mean.

“You know what I just love about this whole entire thread? Basically, every person in the world is attractive to someone else…that’s just so damn wholesome,” Runningprofmama wrote.

Another commenter was pleased by the refreshing tone of the thread. “What a wonderful body-positive thread. This is rare,” WhaleSexOdyssey wrote.

The thread might have been responsible for some love connections, too, as some people pointed out they were the type the commenters appreciate.

Here are 19 of the best responses to the question: “What’s a ‘type’ you’re attracted to but too embarrassed to tell anyone?”

1. Mad scientists

“What about a German scientist that is a high achiever with publications, patents, 80% of a PhD, and their own lab? Oddly specific, I know.” — DAngerscientist

2. Mean-looking women

“I like women that are kind of mean or at least look mean and stern.” — Juicecalculator.

3. Stabby-adjacent

“Crazy enough that I think I might actually get stabbed, but not crazy enough to actually do it.” — CryaxisOG

4. Girls with big noses

“Girls with big noses. I’m not quite sure why. Something about a prominent nose just adds a unique sexiness to a woman’s face.” — Wokeupstilltiredwrote.

6. Any type

“I literally have no type and no girl ever believes me. Scrolling through this post proves it. I’m just like yep strong girls love ’em, thick girls love ’em, goth girls love ’em, tomboy girls love ’em, tall girls love ’em, short girls love ’em.” — Hydroxs

7. Gray-haired men

“I’m 38, and I’m starting to be attracted to men with gray hair, or at least salt and pepper hair, which is completely age-appropriate, but it feels really weird.” — Meansecurity

8. Larger girls

“I’ve always been attracted to larger girls. I was embarrassed about this when I was younger, but fortunately got over it.” — shoesofwandering

9. Strong woman

“Assertive, not in a bossing around kind of way, more a she gets what she wants kind of way while still being a kind person.” — HelferleinLarger girls

10. Shy girls

“Super shy girls. Dating one currently and I love her so much. I feel like people assume if you like shy quiet women that you just want someone subservient. But the truth is I just like taking care of her and I love the way she looks at me when I predict what she wants and is so happy because I pay attention to her so I know how to love her and serve her.” — AbyssWankerArtorias

11. Larger men

“I only discovered this about myself with the guy I’m dating now. Was always into really skinny dudes and only dated skinny dudes and then I saw my guy one day, thought he was really cute, immediate crush.

He was wearing a mask for the first few months of knowing him (only knew him as a coworker), and then one day I see him walking around without his mask and oh my god he is gorgeous. I had to physically avert my eyes because I couldn’t stop looking at him. I’m pretty shy and unapproachable to people I don’t really know, so he stopped talking to me but I couldn’t stand it, overcame my shyness and went and confronted him about it one day (playfully), took his phone and put my details in it, and told him to talk to me. A month later we were dating. Anyway. I like thinking about it.

He’s soft and comfy and so strong so I feel really safe with him. I call him my pillow bf I’m seeing him later and I can’t wait.” — PsychicNinja_

12. Geeky guys

“The awkward geeky guys with glasses, the ones who are confident in the things they love but just a bit awkward.
There’s just something I love about winding them up, because sometimes they’ll try and give as good as they can get. But once they don’t know what to do they’re usually smiling and having fun but have no idea what to say. That’s the bit I like.
The minute I see I can get that reaction out of someone I’m hooked.

But it’s also an issue, because usually they have low self-esteem so at some point it turns into a why are you dating someone like me.” — AddictiveMischief

13. Big beefy men who are nerds

“Big boys. Human equivalents of bears. Tall and broad with thick arms and soft bellies, that could just pick me and throw me around. There is no too big. I loved climbing trees as a kid and now I’m rediscovering that hobby.

Men who watch anime and play video games and have any other nerdy hobby. I’m not joking. I was a weird anime kid growing up, it contributed to my bullying, I refused to give up on my interests.” — ghostyface6

14. Girls with crooked teeth

“Absolutely. I never knew I liked this so much until I realized some other folks are into it, too. I find it very humanizing and interesting. Add in some sorta sleepy eyes (just a little bags under the eye) and I’m SOLD.” — PolkaWillNeverDie00

15. Tall and slim guys

“I really like looking at this type aesthetically. They just make visually pleasing lines, especially if they’re leaning against a wall with their hands in their pockets or sitting in a rocking chair.” — CCVeediVee

16. Buff women and twinks

“I like women that are manly and men that girly. Call that the bisexual agenda.” — heyhihaiheyahehe

17. Whatever Jack Black is

“Whatever the f*** Jack Black is, but I’m NOT embarrassed. He’s f***ing hot to me. Fat, bearded, talented, and passionate. My kind of man. WOOF!” — Lostswansong

18. Red-haired men

“Men with red hair! Although I’m not embarrassed! Although a bit embarrassed to have a ‘type.’ It seems kind of shallow. It just seems to be unusual to love a specific hair color!” — Hagrid’sSexyNipples

19. Ice queens

“Every woman I’ve ever been with is cold, detached and acts like an aloof cat.” — Dammulf