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Trump Had An ‘Incandescently Stupid’ Solution For Cows Who Needed To Cross His Border Wall, According To A Former Official’s New Book

When it comes to hare-brained schemes, Donald Trump has no equal. According to a new book by former Department of Homeland Security Chief of Staff Miles Taylor, Trump reportedly wasted considerable amounts of time obsessing over his border wall between the United States and Mexico. Even worse, that time was often spent on problems that didn’t even exist, yet Trump still expected people to follow through on his crazy solutions.

On one occasion in March 2019, Trump reportedly started demanding “out of of nowhere” that something be done about Texas ranchers who were opening doors in his border walls to let cattle reach the Rio Grande river.

“No doors. I don’t want doors,” Trump said in an excerpt from Taylor’s book. “How crazy is this? There are doors in the border wall? It’s stupid. They can just walk up, open the door, and thousands of [illegals] rush in.”

Despite being told by Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen that this wasn’t even close to true, Trump still plowed ahead demanding a fix that would, we kid you not, involve cows climbing ladders.

Via Newsweek:

“Just buy the land. I know more about land than any other human on Earth. Let’s do it, okay?” Taylor quotes Trump as saying. “Give the ranchers ladders. They can use ladders to get to the other side, but not doors. You could use small fire trucks. Call the local fire stations, and use the ladders on their trucks to help them get over.”

The plan was “so incandescently stupid I couldn’t laugh,” Taylor remembers thinking at the time.

According to Taylor, Trump spent “coming up with imbecilic ideas at the border than he did focusing on his job” and the former president often had to be warned by the Pentagon to “stop talking about shooting migrants.”

“When it comes to Trump, the truth is always vastly more idiotic than the fiction,” Taylor told Newsweek.

(Via Newsweek)