While making Babylon, Margot Robbie improvised a kiss with Brad Pitt because, as she put it, “When else am I gonna get the chance to kiss Brad Pitt?” She had the chance to kiss her Barbie co-star Ryan Gosling, as well, but she didn’t take it. And her friends will never let her forget it.
When asked by People whether she was pleased she didn’t have to lock lips with Gosling, the Ken to her Barbie, Robbie replied, “Uh no! That didn’t feel like a win for me.” She continued, “All of my girlfriends were like, ‘Well you did a whole movie with him and you don’t kiss? What’s wrong with you? I thought you were kind of in charge on this one!’ I was like, ‘I know, I can’t check that one off [my list].’” Barbie is saving all her smooches for Allan.
It wouldn’t have made narrative sense for Barbie and Ken to romantically embrace, and Gosling doesn’t seem to mind that it was left out of the movie. “It was so funny trying to figure out what their idea of kissing might be,” he said. “I’m so glad all of that got cut out.” Besides, it seems like most people who owned Barbies as a kid made their dolls kiss other toys that were lying around. What a shame we’ll never get to see Ken make out with the Stretch Armstrong on the big screen.
(Via People)