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A Relative Of An Uvalde School Shooting Victim Called Out Lauren Boebert’s Defense Of Throwing Away A Tribute Pin: ‘F*ck Her’

Rootin’ tootin’ Lauren Boebert frequently behaves like the MAGA defender of the Second Amendment. She recently held up a t-shirt that labeled guns as hole punchers of humans, and her firearm-happy ways are so infamous that SNL parodied her, and of course, Boebert acted triggered in response. So while it was sad to recently see Boebert nonchalantly trash a pin that meant to commemorate an Uvalde shooting victim, it wasn’t exactly a shocker, given that she frequently tweets about her opposition to gun control.

As originally shown in a video posted by Sarah Fishkind, Boebert swiftly disposed of a pin that depicted the Converse sneakers of 10-year-old Maite Rodriguez. Recently, Boebert posted a sort-of apology video via Patriot Takes, and as seen below, Boebert claimed that she had no idea what the man handed her, only that she recognized him for behaving “aggressively” during a previous “press conference.” She continued:

“If anyone thinks that I was disrespecting a child who tragically lost their lives at the hands of an evil, evil person, I want to apologize for the appearance of that. But that’s not at all what it was. I simply didn’t want to receive anything from this aggressive man who was harassing me and my office.”

Brett Cross, the uncle of Uzi Garcia (and who was raising the child in his home), isn’t buying that this video is any form of an apology. In the below response video, he declares that Boebert “don’t give a rat’s ass” and accused her of lying with her explanation. Cross maintains that the “aggressive man” was a very different person than the man who handed Boebert a pin. And he wasn’t done.

“Nah, see you’re apologizing because you got caught, and it’s on camera” Cross argued. “That’s why, not for the ‘appearance’ of anything. You got caught, and instead of just being adult enough to be like, ‘You know what? I really don’t care,’ because we know you don’t, you’re gonna try this bullsh*t.” Here, you can watch the video, which ends with Cross exclaiming, “F*ck her.”