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No One Knows What Marjorie Taylor Greene Was Talking About With Her Latest Philosophical Classic On People Who ‘Unthink Unconsciously’

Marjorie Taylor Greene somehow did not make a big deal out of that congressional hearing on UFOs that freaked so many others out. Instead, she kept up her calls for President Biden to be impeached, and dang, the congresswoman from Georgia has boundless energy. She also has an abundance of verbal gaffes in her roster, ones that she would surely not let Biden drop without accusing him of crimes against humanity or something.

Never forget, as well, about the “gazpacho police” debacle and the “peach tree dish” menace from Greene. She also appears to be (intentionally?) statistically challenged, but Greene has a new hit on her hands. It’s sad to say that the context doesn’t matter all that much on this video clip because Greene could have dropped this word salad about any one of her favored topics.

Here, she’s possibly arguing for more military funding while bashing education that mentions the word “gender,” which led to this philosophical little ditty: “This type of funding should not go to… educating people about how they unthink unconsciously without knowing how they think.”

Double negative aside (and I do love a good double negative for effect when it’s intentional, which this was not), this is like Goop’s “conscious uncoupling” on partisan steroids. Let’s just say that responses including “Move over Kant” and “She definitely does not unthink what she’s thinking that she shouldn’t have thunk about thunking” were only the beginning of the WTF factor here.