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Marjorie Taylor Greene Actually Sounds Kind-Of Depressed With Her Reaction To Trump’s Latest Indictment

It must be exhausting to be a MAGA diehard these days. Sean Hannity is twisting himself into a pretzel on Fox News after Trump’s third indictment, and Jesse Watters used possible sarcasm to cope. These two somehow aren’t tired by all this winning, and Trump is characteristically lashing out over his ability to break legal record upon legal record.

Marjorie Taylor Greene, on the other hand, seems to be going through a real process. On her two Twitter accounts, you can see a shift in mood between her initial reaction and the harsh light of day. The former “Jewish space laser” pseudo-blamer began by declaring that she would still obviously vote for Trump, even if he’s in prison. She further accused the Biden administration of engineering this triple hot mess, so that Trump can’t go on winning elections (even though he lost the one that he’s in trouble for attempting to overturn). This happened last night after the latest indictment news broke:

This morning, Greene woke up and went all-caps with a “100% BULLSHIT,” DO THE RIGHT THING,” and “Impeach the CRIMINAL IN CHEIF!!! [sic]”

A few hours later, the congresswoman got seriously dark with a lengthy rant about the ills of society. It’s bleak stuff, and this is only the beginning:

“We have record numbers of homeless Americans, 300 Americans die of fentanyl daily, they tell women abortion is healthcare & birth control – killing over 63 million, that men can get pregnant, they brainwash children they can change their gender and amputate their growing body parts, our border is out of control and our government refuses to secure it, our very own nation is number one for child pornography and sex trafficking, our society is overweight and unhealthy, senior citizens can’t survive on social security anymore, inflation is crippling everyone, Americans are drowning in credit card debt, and America’s once great manufacturing is great no more – our supply chain comes from the rest of the world making us dependent on everyone else and weak and vulnerable.

“But they are telling you the most important thing they are doing is indicting President Trump for January 6, 2021.”

Then came the kicker with a quote-tweet on her other Twitter account: “But don’t worry they are going to put Trump in jail until he’s dead and stop the scary election deniers.”

Is Marjorie Taylor Greene alright? Asking a genuine question here.