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Jimmy Kimmel Has An Idea For A Cruel Punishment To Get Trump To Stop Violating His Gag Order(s)

Donald Trump refuses to shut his trap, and it’s costing him. The former president has been fined twice for violating gag orders during his New York civil fraud trial. “If we had a jury it would have been fair, at least — even if it was a somewhat negative jury — because no negative jury would vote against me,” he said this week, resulting in a $10,000 penalty. “But this judge will. Because this judge is a very partisan judge, with a person who’s very partisan sitting alongside of him, perhaps even much more partisan than he is.”

Trump has also been blabbing on Truth Social. On Thursday, he posted, “The Judge in the New York State A.G. case refuses to accept the overturning of his decisions by the Appeals Court. This is a first in the history of the State! HE HAS GONE CRAZY IN HIS HATRED OF ‘TRUMP.’”

Why did Trump put his last name in quotes? No clue, but as Jimmy Kimmel pointed out during last night’s episode of Jimmy Kimmel Live, “If you really want to shut Trump up, you don’t threaten him with jail time or fines. Threaten him with Eric time. Trust me.” He added, “Put him in a room with Eric, he’ll clam up like he’s at a brunch with Melania.”

As far as Trump’s “untalented” foolish sons go, I’d still rather spend time with Eric than Don Jr. There would be way less sniffling.

You can watch the Jimmy Kimmel Live clip above.