During a confessional Instagram Live sessions, Megan Thee Stallion revealed the full extent of her recent injuries. She said during the stream that she had to have surgery to remove bullets after being shot in both feet a week ago after a party in the Hollywood Hills, leading to the dramatic arrest of fellow rapper Tory Lanez. Lanez allegedly shot Megan after an argument in or near his SUV. When police found and stopped the vehicle, both rappers were inside and Tory was arrested for carrying a concealed weapon in a motor vehicle.
Megan said she was shot in both of her feet pic.twitter.com/8Nlui6z5D4
— UPROXX Music (@uproxxmusic) July 27, 2020
However, as further details were revealed, first by Megan’s friend who was in the car with the two rappers, then by Megan herself, the investigation changed to one looking into whether Tory had committed assault. According to sources close to the situation, Tory told police that the shooting was accidental, while Megan has mostly remained mum about the details of the possible assault. Megan did previously address the situation in a less-direct way, criticizing those fans on Twitter who decided to make jokes about the situation, including video model Draya Michele, who made light of the shooting in a recent interview.
Watch Megan Thee Stallion discuss her surgery above.
Megan Thee Stallion is a Warner Music artist. Uproxx is an independent subsidiary of Warner Music Group.