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Seth Meyers Is So Disappointed In Joe Biden’s New Slogan To Defeat Donald Trump

Earlier this week, as Donald Trump was blasting The Smiths and going on all-caps tirades, Team Joe Biden released a new line of merchandise ahead of the 2024 presidential election. There’s shirts, digital phone backgrounds, and stickers with the slogan, “Together, We Will Defeat Donald Trump Again.”

Seth Meyers isn’t impressed.

“Oh, Democrats, why are you so bad at this stuff?” Meyers said during Wednesday’s episode of Late Night after putting his head in his hands. “That is not a slogan, that’s like an affirmation you tape on your bathroom mirror.” He continued, “Slogans don’t have multiple punctuation marks in them. A slogan is like, ’Let’s go,’ or, ‘Vote or die.’ This is a sentence so awkward that you think, ‘Oh it must spell out a cool acronym,’ and then it doesn’t.”

I dunno, I think TWWDDTA has legs. Way catchier than MAGA.

Meyers wasn’t finished. “Also, you can’t end your slogan with ‘again’ when his [Trump’s] slogan ends with ‘again.’ Democrats, I’m begging you. Please suck less,” he said before offering a new motto from the Democratic party: “Democrats: We Suck… Less.”

You can watch Meyers’ Late Night monologue, where he also covered Mitch McConnell declining to say whether he’ll endorse Trump, above.