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Trump Bizarrely Bragged That His Administration ‘Did Nothing’ To Stop A Historic Wave Of Gun Violence

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There’s a distinct possibility that Donald Trump, who this time last year was seen as a giant loser in part for dining with anti-Semites, could be re-elected. What would a second Trump presidency look like? Probably not great! For one thing there’s a strong possibility he’ll do nothing about one of the biggest problems in America right now: gun violence. Why would he? He did nothing about it during his first term, as he bizarrely bragged on Friday.

“You have a right to self-defense, you’ve always had that right, and during my four years, nothing happened, and there was great pressure on me having to do with guns. We did nothing,” Trump told a crowd in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, per Mediate. “We didn’t yield. And once you yield a little bit, that’s just the beginning. That’s the avalanche begins.”

Trump went on:

Four more years of Joe Biden means four more years of anti-gun communists running the ATF. They’re gonna run it, they’re already– they’re running it now, just in case you have any questions. But it means hundreds of more radical left judges waging a crusade against law-abiding gun owners, and four more years of Joe Biden means a non-stop war on gun manufacturers, dealers, and sellers designed to put the entire industry right out of business. They want to put it out of business.

Trump then demanded that the NRA “better endorse me,” as though there was any chance they’d throw their weight behind Joe Biden.

According to Everytown Research, there were nearly 2,000 mass shootings during Trump’s administration. Those numbers have dramatically gone up during the Biden years, so much so that the nation is averaging over 600 a year. Seems like a major problem! And it’s good to know that one presidential candidate will happily do “nothing” to stop it.

(Via Mediaite)