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GOP Frontrunner Donald Trump Said He’d Let Russia ‘Do Whatever The Hell They Want’ To Some NATO Nations

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Barring something like going to prison for crimes, Donald Trump is almost certainly going to be the GOP’s presidential candidate, again. He’s already telling people the alarming things he’d do. For one thing, he said he’d be a dictator, but only one “day one.” He’s threatened his likely opponent, Joe Biden, with an indictment for…something. And on Saturday, he basically told his supporters he’d let Russia effectively start World War III.

Per NPR, during a rally in South Carolina, Trump — who’s long floated baseless accusations that some NATO nations have unpaid bills — recalled one president asking him, “If we don’t pay and we’re attacked by Russia, will you protect us?”

Trump’s response was, well….not great! “No, I would not protect you,” he thundered. “In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want.”

For all his multitude of faults, Trump has always been anti-war. He was against the Iraq War and when he recently spoke about the Civil War — which he did bizarrely, saying that it could have been averted through a deal — he described in horror what old-timey weapons did to bodies.

And yet here he is, saying he’d let Putin get aggressive in the most reckless way possible. Trump’s statement caused disgust, including in a statement released by the White House.

“Encouraging invasions of our closest allies by murderous regimes is appalling and unhinged – and it endangers American national security, global stability, and our economy at home,” said White House spokesman Andrew Bates. “Rather than calling for wars and promoting deranged chaos, President Biden will continue to bolster American leadership and stand up *for* our national security interests – not against them.”

Meanwhile many in the media are harping over Joe Biden’s age, forgetting that not only is Trump nearly as old and with a much more broken brain, but he also says things like this. And this.

(Via NPR)