The new Pacman Jones record “Ferrari Kit” is a ball of kinetic energy and a metaphorical representation of the former NFL pro bowler’s mentality. Built like a European sportscar himself, Jones was quick to inform us that his athletic frame is only 3.5% body fat (i.e. aerodynamic) and he’d been clocked at 4.42 seconds in the 40-yard dash during his NFL career. So the speed analogy definitely plays.
Jones’ music harnesses a mix of raw energy and excitement – much like Pacman the player, who was known to return interceptions for touchdowns as a star cornerback and to return punts into the endzone on special teams. The dynamic speed demon picked up most of fans and followers from his stealthy NFL play but throughout his playing years he consistently dabbled in music and seriously competed in off-the-field interests like boxing and professional wrestling. Which is to say that this record doesn’t come out of left field.
Music being a pure embodiment of Pacman’s passion, emotional intensity, and genuine enthusiasm, there is no surprise that the production on “Ferrari Kit” has the energy dialed to 11. And it should also come as no surprise, that when it comes to food and snacks, Pacman is precise in what gives him the fuel to perform at a high level in all modes of life – from steaks to sour gummies.
This week, we jumped in the Rari with Pacman and took a spin down memory lane to find out the junk food secrets behind Jones’ boundless energy, how he powers his creative endeavors, what got him through NFL seasons and training camps, and what type of foods it’s acceptable to eat in an Italian sportscar.
So my first question for you is, what kind of food and snacks are going to be on your rider when you are doing shows?
My rider list is definitely going to be some wings, maybe jerk wings or hot wings. I’ll take them fried or baked. I ain’t really that picky about those, definitely some Sour Skittles, we have to have a whole bowl of Sour Skittles, probably Sour Gummy Bears. Two bottles of Dom Pérignon. And that would probably be my rider list.
So a lot of sour candy. Now when you eat sour candy, do you mix them up and eat them together, or do you eat them one by one, or what’s your method?
I’m a one-by-one guy. But I’m a real big candy guy. I actually grew up living in the projects, my grandma was a candy lady, so I’ve always been eating more candy than damn near food, sometimes.
The candy lady is the person in the projects that sells candy, they would come to her house.
So she had her own inventory?
Yeah, we would go to… I forget the name of the warehouse. We’d buy Now and Later’s, different bags of chips. Any kind of candy you can name, we pretty much had it.
This was growing up in Atlanta?
It’s ATown, Southwest, the slums.
So we talked about what you would want on tour, but when you’re in the studio recording, what are some foods or snacks that you like to have around?
All candy. Now and Laters, anything sour. And weed. Got to have weed in the studio.
So, do you still get the munchies?
Oh, yeah. Hell yeah.
And that’s when you really go hard on the candies and all that?
Go super hard.
When you were in training camp and in season, would you have different types of foods or snacks that you would eat that would give you extra energy or extra… whatever to get through training camp? Or did you eat kind of the same as you do now?
I’ve never changed my diet that I eat. I don’t have a diet, I’m 3.5% body fat, bro. I eat whatever I want to eat. Big junk food eater, though.
Okay. So junk food is your guilty pleasure, but do you eat healthy snacks from time to time also?
I know you have a big family, so I don’t know if your kids eat healthy stuff, or they like junk food as well.
Nope, they’re just like their dad.
So when it comes to your family, are there snacks that you all eat or food that you all really like, together? Or does everybody kind of eat their own different things?
My kids like a lot of sour stuff. But we love Now and Laters, Skittles. We’re a big junk food family.
And what are some things that everybody in your household loves that you have to buy in bulk, or you got to go to Costco to get extra of?
Oh, we go probably every other week to the candy store to buy stuff. Like I said, Skittles and all that stuff is a must-have, got to have chocolate chip cookies. I have a whole candy section at my house.
A whole candy what?
I might need to come over and raid your stash. And then when you’re traveling and you’re playing football in season, are there things that you travel with? Or you can kind of just, whatever city you’re in, you can pick up what you need? Or how does that all work?
Oh, I’m a big gas station stopper. Everywhere I go, I stop at a gas station to get my… What is the word? Necessities.
And so are there things that you’ve had around the country or around the world that you’ve tried, that you would recommend? Or you kind of stick to the core things that you like?
I stick to the core.
So when you’re in Tennessee, playing for the Titans, was there anything special that you liked to eat there? Any restaurants that you really liked? Or what was the style out there?
I’m a big steak guy. So, when I was in Tennessee, I would say the Palm. The Palm restaurant was my go-to.
Now, what about when you play for the Cowboys in Dallas? That’s a big steak town. Is there anything special you like there?
What was my steak place that I liked in Dallas? What was it called? ZaZa’s [Jones is referring to the renowned steakhouse Dragonfly, based in Hotel ZaZa].
And then let’s get into Cincinnati. Cincinnati has its own food and all that. What are some of your favorite spots out there?
Jeff Ruby, baby. Shoutout to Jeff Ruby. Jeff Ruby’s is the top steakhouse in Ohio.
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And do you get down with the Cincinnati chili and all that?
I’m not a big chili guy. I’m from the south. Our chili is a little different.
Yes, it is.
It’s cooked with ground beef. Nothing against Goalline or Skyline chili, but it don’t have no meat in it. Watery taste with some beans.
What about the ice cream in Cincinnati? They have Graeter’s, and then United Dairy Farmers, and all that. Which one do you like?
Love Graeter’s.
And what’s your top flavor from Graeter’s?
I’m a Cookies and cream guy.
what’s something that other people eat that you find kind of gross, that’s popular?
I see a lot of people eating the fish head thing. I think that is the fucking worst thing ever.
Eating fish heads?
When people cook the fish. Yeah, the eyeballs and stuff.
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If you were to get a sponsorship from a snack brand or be a spokesperson or ambassador for one, what would it be?
Now and Later. Now and Later, or Sour Gummy. Sour Gummy or any Now and Later.
Obviously, your first song is Ferrari Kit. It’s a high-energy song. If you’re in the Ferrari, are you eating in the Ferrari? And if so, what are you eating in the Ferrari?
Nothing but some gummies. Nothing but some gummies. If I’m in the Ferrari, “Ferrari Kit,” I’m eating gummies. You know what I mean? Living life without a seatbelt. You feel me?
What’s your number one flavor Now and Later, and number one flavor Sour Skittle?
I like the green bag Sour Skittles. I don’t have really a favorite one. But Now and Laters, definitely the blueberry.
Is there anything else you want to tell us about the music that’s coming out, and what we can expect?
Ferrari Kit. You know what I mean? Yes sir. Go check it out right now. We almost at a million. I need you to get us to a million, Dan.
All right, we’re going to do our best.
All right, brother.