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A Trump Official Is Backing A Lawsuit By A ‘SEAL Team’ Writer Who Says Hollywood Is Biased Against Straight White Dudes


A former script supervisor for SEAL Team has launched a lawsuit at CBS for allegedly not giving him a staff writer position because he’s a white and male. Brian Beneker is seeking $500,000 in damages as he publicly rails against “diversity, equity and inclusion measures,” which he calls “illegal policy.”

To the surprise of no one, Beneker’s lawsuit is being backed by former Trump administration toadie Stephen Miller, who has a well-documented history of backing controversial moves like separating families at the border and pushing Donald Trump to take an aggressive stance against Black Lives Matter protestors. (For more flavor, Miller also thinks Taylor Swift is a deep state plant propelled by “dark forces.”)

Via Deadline:

Beneker, who has worked on SEAL Team since 2017 and before that was a script coordinator on Sons of Anarchy, claims in 2019 that he questioned current showrunner Spencer Hudnut over why previous showrunner John Glenn had hired a new male writer when Glenn claimed at the time that “there were already too many staff writers and there was no room for CBS to hire [Beneker].”

“Hudnut indicated it was because he was Black,” the complaint says.

In his suit, Beneker alleges that he suffered by not being part of the “favored hiring groups; that is, they were nonwhite, LGBTQ, or female.” However, several of Beneker’s colleagues have already come forward to blast the spurious nature of his claims and basically call him a weirdo.

You can see some of the reactions below:

(Via Deadline)