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People are gushing over Seth Meyers being an extraordinarily good guy

By now, most of us know better than to get our hopes up about our favorite celebrities. We’ve watched too many beloved household names fall from grace, and even those who seem delightful in their personas have been outed as kinda terrible people in private. (We’ll always have Mister Rogers. And I’m still holding out hope for Tom Hanks, all kooky conspiracy theories aside.)

But a Twitter thread that largely flew under the radar this week has highlighted the apparently universal kindness of comedian and late night talk show host Seth Meyers.

Sara Benincasa wrote:

“When certain pals battered & bruised by an otherwise abusive industry mention Seth Meyers, they go into an enchanted fugue state and talk like they got to work with the love child of Glinda the Good Witch and some benevolent supergenius golden retriever, IDK, he sounds nice!”

Lauren Flans corroborated the claim, saying, “He is the LOVELIEST man! Treats absolutely everyone with the same kindness and interest, and when I saw him at the Boom reunion in Amsterdam last summer, he literally talked to me about a tweet of mine he remembered from SEVERAL YEARS BACK WUT.”

And actress Kristen Schaal, a fellow comedian, agreed. “Sooooo true! He has always been kind to me, even in social situations where I felt out of place.”

Awww. Nice.

Benincasa said she had heard that praise of him—that he really notices people and brings them in. “Such a kind thing and a real skill too!”

Someone who interned for Meyers added her two cents, which just reinforced what others were saying:

“Interned for him in college and it was my favorite internship I’ve had. He was the only one who sat down with us at the end of the semester and answered questions/talked with us for while. He said hi if you passed him in the hall. And we were paid, which is great.”

Others pointed out that he regularly brings his writers on his show, reallys showcasing their talents. He also uses his platforms to uplift the voices of the smart, funny women on his team.

Alex Miller wrote, “I had the opportunity to sit in for a monologue rehearsal (he does this every day). His writing staff was having absolute blast watching from the seats, and after 45 minutes of rehearsing, Seth comes into the seats and does a Q&A with the audience. Again, he does this every day.”

Judd Winick confirmed Meyers’ awesomeness “from personal experience as well as professional.”

Meyers’ brother Josh even chimed in…with some stereotypical brotherly humor.

Not that an absence of criticism proves anything, but the fact that his conversation took place on Twitter and only stories of positive interactions with him came up is pretty telling. Someone once said, “Live your life in such a way that if someone spoke badly about you no one would believe it.” Seth Meyers may actually be living that advice.

People might take issue with this brand of humor, his political stances, or his making fun of the world’s most easy-to-make-fun-of president. But it appears that those who have interacted with him and worked with him have glowing things to say.

How refreshing in this day and age.

Another thing people pointed out was his delightfully genuine family, which might explain why he is how he is. Each year, he has his parents and brother come on the show, and it’s nothing but pure family fun. Enjoy:

The Meyers Family Tells a Traumatic Story Involving Seth’s Orthodontic Headgear