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Mother is ‘fuming’ that daughter’s stepmom tells people she’s the biological parent

A mother on TikTok has received over 8 million views on a video that recounts a terrible episode that occurred as she was trying to separate from her abusive ex-husband. In the video entitled, “Stepmom tells everyone she is the mom,” Belle Blake recounts a harrowing tale of when she realized that her ex-husband’s wife lied about her role in her daughter Delilah’s life.

Blake tells the story as a “reenactment” because it occurred during a time when she was involved in legal proceedings and couldn’t share it publicly.

As a TikTok user with over 93,000 followers, Blake told the salacious story, knowing it would attract attention, which she used to promote the Safe At Home Program or Address Confidentiality Program.

It all started when Blake picked up her daughter, Delilah, from dance class and the other mothers thought she was the stepmom. Delilah’s real stepmom, Stephanie, had told everyone she was her biological mother.


I’m 1000% done #stepparents #cheater #husbandandwife #divorce Disclaimer: this is a reenactment inspired by my own experiences with domestic abuse. I am no longer around the people involved. This is to bring awareness to the Safe At Home Program (Address Confidentiality Program), this program provides a decoy address to victims of domestic abuse so their abusers can’t find them. Domestic Abuse Hotline: 800-799-7233

“Her stepmom has been telling everyone that she is her biological mom. Like having conversations about when she was pregnant with her,” Blake says in the video.

The stepmother had even claimed that Blake’s birth story was her own. “I gave birth to her, weird. And [a mom at the dance class] goes, ‘What? No, no, no, Stephanie gave birth to her. Stephanie was telling us all about the preeclampsia that she had. She had a seizure after she was born…'” she continued.

“This woman stole my birth story! My birth story! That I went through. She’s out here telling people that she was pregnant with Delilah, and she had preeclampsia. And she had seizures! She had to stay in the hospital with a magnesium drip! Excuse me?” Blake says while getting progressively angrier.

Blake goes on to clarify that Stephanie wasn’t even around when Delilah was born; she was still in high school.

To add further insult, Stephanie said she named Delilah after hearing the song “Hey There Delilah” on the radio, which was Blake’s story as well. “But I can’t believe that somebody would actually do that. She went on to tell people how she picked out the name. Delilah. Like talked about, how … this woman is like trying to be me,” Blake says,

Stephanie was able to get away with her dishonesty for so long due to strict visitation rules. Blake never had her on days she went to dance class.

Blake’s disturbing story inspired many to rally behind her in the comments. “Go through the family courts, get custody changed and file a restraining order,” ArtisticCircus urged. “This is like – your daughter shouldn’t be alone with this woman territory,” Morgan Elisa Strickell added.

“That’s actually scary,” Alisha wrote, to which Blake responded, “Terrifying!”

The good news is that these days, Blake and her children have no connection with her ex-husband or Stephanie and aren’t old enough to remember them or their shocking behavior. Blake now has sole custody of her kids and is married to a “fantastic guy” and “everything is great.”

Throughout her video series on the identity-stealing stepmother, Blake was eager to mention that she was sharing it to promote a program that helps women escape domestic violence known as the Safe At Home Program or the Address Confidentiality Program.

To learn more about this program that allows victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking or other types of crime to receive mail at a confidential address while keeping their actual address undisclosed, visit the National Domestic Abuse Hotline’s website.