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The Ending Of ‘The Usual Suspects’ Still Wows, 25 Years Later

“I’ll tell you a secret. The last act makes a film. You can have flaws, problems, but wow them in the end, and you’ve got a hit.” — Script Guru Robert McKee, to Charlie Kaufman, in Adaptation.

Never has the “wow them in the end” adage been illustrated more effectively than in The Usual Suspects, directed by Bryan Singer and written by Christopher McQuarrie, which hit theaters 25 years ago in August-September of 1995. It’s a movie with plenty of flaws but the ultimate trump card: a home run ending that makes those flaws vanish from memory.

Singer and McQuarrie had worked together once before, on Public Access, which won the Grand Jury Prize at the 1993 Sundance Film Festival, despite fairly tepid reviews. The two had known each other from childhood — in Princeton Junction, New Jersey — where Singer’s mom and McQuarrie’s dad had run together on an unsuccessful bid for a township committee seat. Singer supposedly met Kevin Spacey at an afterparty for Public Access. The idea for The Usual Suspects came to McQuarrie, Finding Forrester style, title first.

While waiting in line for a screening at the festival, a friend asked McQuarrie about his next script. “I said, ‘I was reading this article in Spy magazine called “The Usual Suspects.” I thought that would be a great title.’” As for the story, McQuarrie said, “I guess it’s about…the usual suspects. The guys who always get arrested for some type of crime. I figure they meet in a police lineup and decide to work together. I told Bryan. He forgot about it a few seconds later.”

That this half-assed, barely formed kernel of an idea would go on to win two Oscars (one for lead actor Kevin Spacey and one for writer Chris McQuarrie) and be recognized by the WGA in 2017 as the 35th greatest screenplay of all time, is a perfect illustration of the adage “writing is rewriting.”

Of course, with its director and lead actor becoming varying degrees of unemployable in recent years (Spacey hasn’t been in anything since 2018) — not to mention one of its stars, Stephen Baldwin turning full MAGA grifter (as well as becoming Justin Bieber’s father in law) — The Usual Suspects feels a little like a time capsule of the recently canceled. But all that would come later.

In the first two acts, it’s easy to wonder if this perennial fixture of best-of lists is overrated. Christopher McQuarrie was 27 when it came out, Singer 29, and in certain ways, their youth shows. While Singer had gone off to film school, McQuarrie hitchhiked in Australia, worked first at his uncle’s detective agency and later as a movie theater security guard, and The Usual Suspect feels like McQuarrie tried to cram every oddball character and weird story he came across in the course of his peripatetic young adulthood into this one, impossibly dense script.

It’s a movie that’s as much of its time as it is of its creator. The dialogue, in particular, is smart-alecky, swear-filled, and slightly smug in that particularly early-90s-indie-movie kind of way, like an amalgamation of Tarantino, Shane Black, and David Mamet, where creativity counted for more than naturalism (it probably always does). When the police round up the titular usual suspects, to a man, each character has something casual and sneeringly cool to say to the arresting officers.

“Don’t you guys ever sleep? …F*ck you pig.” -McManus

“…Think you brought enough guys?” -Todd Hockney, as he tosses an oily rag directly at the camera

It’s all Shane Black snappy and Steven Soderbergh slick. The cool-guy sarcasm probably suits Kevin Pollak’s character (Todd Hockney) the best, but it extends to virtually every character. They’re slightly undifferentiated in that way, all in some way guys who would blow cigarette smoke in your face behind the minimart, a very specific Gen X conception of “cool.” No one flinches at having a gun stuck in their face, no one looks at explosions.

Lots of nineties crime films had that in common. You could draw a straight line through Hockney describing what he’s going to do when he goes to prison (“F*ck your father in the shower and then have a snack?”) to Samuel Jackson’s character in The Long Kiss Goodnight (“Nah, I usually sock ’em in the jaw and yell ‘pop goes the weasel‘”) to pretty much any Samuel Jackson line in Pulp Fiction. Where the Shane Black version is slightly more comic book pulp, McQuarrie’s tough guy swear nuggets tend more towards writerly, and slightly tortured. Think Ryan Philippe growling “shut that c*nt’s mouth or I’ll come over there and f*ck start her head” in The Way Of The Gun (McQuarrie’s follow up to The Usual Suspects).

It doesn’t sound like something someone would actually say, but it sticks in your head. Leather jacket guy masculine was just kind of how dialogue was written in the early ’90s, the same way arch self-referential shouting (with big, bugged-out eyes) is in favor now. You can watch The Usual Suspects, a movie that has exactly one female character (Edie Finneran, the “downtown lawyer” that Gabriel Byrne’s Keaton is “tappin’”) and consists of about 85% gay panic insults (you could make a drinking game out of how often a character derisively refers to a group of men as “ladies”) and see basically what Troy Duffy was attempting and failing with Boondock Saints. “What if there were some dudes who were really cool and also had guns, like a bunch of Andrew Dice Clays in a Ray Chandler novel?”

In a lot of ways, The Usual Suspects is the platonic ideal of the ’90s tough guy neo-noir. It’s far more about the idea of telling a crazy story — a crazy story within a crazy story, really — than it is about any one character growing or changing or learning something about life. The only thing anyone really learns in The Usual Suspects is who Kaiser Soze is.

Early on in the film, the characters feel more like “types” than people (as may happen in a heist movie format that grew out of the idea of guys meeting in a police lineup). Even if they don’t entirely come together as flesh-and-blood humans, Usual Suspect‘s characters get by on novelty value, and it some ways it’s driven by the cosmic synergy of oddball writing and oddball acting. Benicio Del Toro’s rendering of “he flip you, flip you for real,” is unforgettable, even if, upon rewatch, his overplucked hustler “Fenster” doesn’t contribute all that much to the plot. Later in the film, we meet “Kobayashi,” a character with a Japanese name, played by a Lancastrian actor, using an accent that could best be described as “vaguely Indian.” It’s a character that only someone with a face as singular as Peter Postlethwaite could’ve pulled off.

McQuarrie throws so much at you — the lineup, the ring of corrupt cops the gang torches in “New York’s Finest Taxi Service, the downtown lawyer with the ambiguous connections, the fence named “Redfoot,” another heist, a massive drug deal at a harbor, two drug gangs, and finally, Kaiser Soze — that you eventually just submit, letting the facts wash over you without trying to make the connections. Usual Suspects‘ narrative is so convoluted I can’t even follow the Wikipedia synopsis. You think, I must’ve been tricked the first time I watched this. There’s no way this comes together the way I remember. How many goddamn Macguffins does this movie have?

Upon my latest rewatch, I was again convinced, right up until the final five minutes, that The Usual Suspects couldn’t possibly hang together. That it was all an elaborate parlor trick, that we force it to make sense to keep from feeling dumb for not getting it, a Band-Aid that makes you feel okay about having watched it. And then, once again, Chazz Palmintieri and Giancarlo Esposito (the future Gus Fring), with an assist from Dan Hedaya, hit a last-second buzzer-beater, meticulously explaining away every conceivable plot hole. Hot damn, they really did pull it off.

In some ways, The Usual Suspects feels even older than 25. Despite the very nineties style of dialogue, as a narrative it seems to come from the classic, mid-century school of manufactured suspense, where revealing information in drips and delayed gratification were everything. Films rarely trust audiences to hang in there for the big ending reveal anymore. And as a viewer, I’m less accustomed to having to wait for it or being able to trust that my patience will be rewarded.

In The Usual Suspects, you can see the essential blueprint for every Christopher Nolan movie that was to come: keep the audience on their heels with endless subterfuge until you can knock them out with the final reveal. Nolan’s low-budget debut, Following, would debut three years later, and he would go on to (arguably) innovate more than Bryan Singer as a visual storyteller, but as a writer he still has a lot in common with McQuarrie (the other Chris).

To note the obvious, that “they don’t make ’em like that anymore,” is a bittersweet observation. For five or 10 years it felt like every aspiring auteur in Hollywood was trying to make The Usual Suspects, the same way every comedian in the late aughts and early 20-teens was trying to be Louis CK. Whether it was sex scandals or just changing tastes that brought them down (with all due respect to McQuarrie, who never had a sex scandal and seems to have successfully evolved), these were both styles that were widely imitated and rarely pulled off, a hyperspecific flavor of white male cool. 25 years later, we can be simultaneously glad that The Usual Suspects exists and relieved that fewer filmmakers are trying to rip it off.

Vince Mancini is on Twitter. You can access his archive of reviews here.

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Do The 2020 Emmys Have An ‘Outstanding Drama’ Problem?

The 2020 Emmys are going to look a bit different this year. Sure, our country is on fire, and a pandemic has forced people across the world to stay indoors — both robbing us of the pageantry of awards seasons past, and simultaneously saving us viewers from suffering through cringe-inducing red-carpet interviews. And the show, which last year boldly chose to go sans emcee, is once again tapping Jimmy Kimmel to host, this time virtually. But no, the most important change to the Emmys this year, one that might end up influencing future nominations and winners to come, has to do with the very bones of this decades-old trophy contest.

We’re talking about the Outstanding Drama category. Earlier this year, the Television Academy announced they were lifting a long-standing rule that once limited the drama and comedy series categories to just five nominees, regardless of submissions. That meant that a more diverse lineup of worthy stories should, theoretically, populate those categories moving forward.

It worked, sort of. Currently, eight series are nominated in the Outstanding Drama list, and yes, they cover the entire spectrum of what the genre can do. They’re stories about businessmen descending into madness and dragging the people they care about off the metaphorical moral cliff with them. They’re high-brow soap operas about the complicated, toxic bonds of the one percent, complete with sausage parties and white-boy raps. They’re dystopias imagining the subjugation of women and the rise of radical theocracies; neon-drenched nostalgic odes to the ’80s with Demogorgons as villains; ancient monarchies trying to adapt to more modern times; money-laundering enterprises on lakefront casino boats; on-the-run road trips in space… you get it.

None of the Outstanding Drama nominees this year fit easily into their designated box, but what’s even more confusing for fans, voters, and critics cursing each other on their shared slack channels when one excitedly champions Ozark or questions the cuteness of Baby Yoda* is how disparate, and how immeasurably different, these nominees are from each other.

Even as someone who’s spent years tuning into these kinds of awards contests with a carefully curated ballot in hand, I’m questioning how reasonable it is to pit this current crop of nominees against each other. How does a voter look at The Mandalorian and find anything comparable to qualify with a show like Succession or Better Call Saul? How do we watch The Handmaid’s Tale, a feminist sci-fi series trading in heavy themes of fanatical religious oppression and climate change and bodily autonomy and hold Stranger Things, a fun ’80s romp about a group of kids fighting off fantasy-inspired monsters, as its mirror? And where in the hell does a show like The Crown, a stuffy-yet-beautifully-wrought chronicle of British history, get off fighting for a top spot against a dimly-lit crime saga like Ozark and the queer romantic espionage thriller, Killing Eve?

We’ve had this problem before of course. In 2015, the Television Academy outraged voters when it named Orange Is The New Black a drama instead of a comedy, crafting a completely inane rule that limited comedies to a 30-minute run time. And it’s not like the Outstanding Drama category hasn’t been diverse in the past, with shows like Westworld and Game of Thrones popping up over the years. But what’s puzzling now is how interested the Emmys seem to be in crowding its major awards categories in the name of “inclusion” without making the effort to actually honor the distinct, unique storytelling those shows are doing.

Is The Mandalorian a drama? Sometimes, but it’s mostly an action-packed odyssey with sci-fi roots. Is Stranger Things a drama? Sometimes, but it’s also a coming-of-age comedy wrapped up in a fantasy-adventure. The third season of The Handmaid’s Tale felt more like a thriller than anything else, as did the most recent installment of Killing Eve, but even then, it’s hard to compare the two. Of all the nominees, Succession (which should and probably will come out on top), Ozark, Better Call Saul, and The Crown feel like they share similar genomes, grounding their stories in reality, focusing their seasons on complicated, nuanced relationships. That’s not all a drama can be, but if we’re going to start vetting and validating the art form, it’s a helpful common denominator.

By opening up its drama race, the Emmys hoped to include critically approved, fan-favorite shows that would attract more viewers to counteract dwindling ratings over the past few years. When a show like The Mandalorian gets that kind of recognition, it brings with it a large fanbase that might tune in to see it take home hardware, which is fine. The Mandalorian was terrific even if its main draw was the adorable meme-generator that was Baby Yoda. But that means shows like Pose and Euphoria don’t make the cut, shows that might better face off against a Succession or Ozark because of their shared DNA.

This was always going to be an issue during the Age of Peak TV — the sheer amount of quality TV means we’ll continue to have genre-defying series appreciated and lauded by critics and academy voters. But if we’re going to start changing things, if we’re going to really embrace stories that aren’t traditionally honored during awards seasons (which I hope we do) can’t we simply take the extra step to create new categories or different scoring methods that give these shows their rightful due? Can we have races decided by fans, can we find ways to include specific sub-genres, can we appreciate what these shows do well with labels that match the stories they’re telling? I’d like to believe we can.

I’d like to believe one day we’ll have a sci-fi series category which might finally force older voters to watch and appreciate the merits of that genre. Or one that gives the many creative horror/thriller sagas on TV their deserved time in the awards show spotlight. We do it for other categories — the Creative Arts Emmys recognize everything from set design to costuming by separating them into contemporary, fantasy, and half-hour narrative programming — so there’s precedent. And even with the current pandemic halting production on dozens of shows, there’s no reason to believe that storytelling on TV is going to reign things in or slow down anytime soon.

So, shouldn’t the Emmys start trying to keep up?

* The events described above are purely hypothetical. Uproxx writers don’t use dark magic unless they’re forming a summoning circle for more seasons of What We Do In The Shadows.

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Taylor Swift Performed ‘Betty’ At Her First ACM Award Show Appearance In Seven Years

It’s been a big year for Taylor Swift, and it just keeps going. The singer’s most recent feat found her at the 2020 American Country Music Awards, performing”Betty,” off of her new album, Folklore. The performance found her retreating to her country roots, being the first time in seven years she’s played the AMC. Taylor performed a stripped-down version of the song, Taylor delivered a soothing performance of the country-leaning song.

Her performance comes after she landed six consecutive weeks atop the Billboard albums chart thanks to Folklore, a streak that began with a monster debut of 846,000 first-week sales. She also tied Whitney Houston for the most overall weeks spent atop the Billboard albums chart among female artists. Since the Folklore‘s release, Taylor has been very interactive with fans, revealing Easter eggs hidden in her “Cardigan” video as well as who some of people that inspired the album. She even surprised indie record stores with autographed copies of the album.

Taylor recently got on board with a fan’s Folklore adaptation idea, which was based on the song “The Last Great American Dynasty.” The film will feature the all-star cast of Blake Lively, Ryan Reynolds, Jesse Tyler Ferguson, and Taylor herself.

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‘Stumptown’ Is The Latest Show To Be Cancelled, Partly As A Result Of The Pandemic

Back in May, during slightly more optimistic times, ABC gave the renewal order to Stumptown, a novel spin on the crime drama, in which Cobie Smulders played a down-on-her-luck veteran with PTSD and gambling debts who reinvents herself as a private investigator. Alas, it was too good for this world: As per Variety, the show has become the latest to be unexpectedly cancelled, despite the previous promise of more to come.

Among the main reasons? According to one source, the fault partly lies with the pandemic. COVID-19, still raging with no end in sight, has done a ton of damage to television scheduling needs, and some four months after giving the order for more, ABC wound up changing its mind, nixing the second season.

For fans of the show, don’t give up hope. The makers will reportedly be shopping the series around to other networks, hoping one can fit it into their schedule. Other shows that have been axed due to coronavirus complications include I Am Not Okay with This and The Society, both on Netflix.

Along with the always welcome Smudlers, Stumptown — based on the graphic novel series by Greg Rucka — also featured Jake Johnson, Camryn Manheim, and Michael Ealy. May they return for more, ensuring that it won’t end up belonging to the storied “one season and done” gang, populated by the likes of My So-Called Life, Freaks and Geeks, Firefly, and Terriers.

(Via Variety)

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Nicki Minaj Wins Her Copyright Infringement Lawsuit Against Tracy Chapman Thanks To A Judge’s New Ruling

Following the release of Nicki Minaj’s 2018 album, Queen, a leftover song from the album suddenly landed on the internet. The track, which is titled “Sorry” and features a verse from Nas, was intended to appear on Queen, but due to a failed sample clearance of Tracy Chapman’s 1988 song “Baby Can I Hold You,” it was left off the album. But the song ended up in the hands of Funkmaster Flex as he premiered it on his HOT 97 radio show. Soon after, the song leaked to the internet. As a result, Chapman sued Nicki for unpaid royalties from the unauthorized sample and sought to prohibit her from officially releasing the song and performing it. Almost two years, a judge made a decision on the case, clearing Nicki.

According to Variety, U.S. District Judge Virginia A. Phillips found that Nicki did not commit copyright infringement and that the song falls in line with the “fair use” principle. In her ruling, Phillips wrote, “Artists usually experiment with works before seeking licenses from rights holders and rights holders typically ask to see a proposed work before approving a license. A ruling uprooting these common practices would limit creativity and stifle innovation within the music industry.”

Prior to the ruling, Nicki claimed that the lawsuit was not justifiable as she did not release “Sorry” for profit and had no control in the song being leaked online. According to court documents, she also claimed that Chapman “is not the owner of the copyright in issue and therefore lacks standing to bring the claims alleged in the Complaint.”

(via Variety)

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What We Learned From The PlayStation 5 Reveal Event

Finally, after months of rumors, potential leaks, promises, and a giant stare down between two console giants. We have a price for the PlayStation 5. While Microsft has been giving a slow drip feed of news about its new Xbox console since December, Sony has been oddly quiet for most of 2020. They’ve given small insights into the power of the console, and even showed off some games with the design back in June.

But with Holiday 2020 quickly approaching and an Xbox price plus release date revealed on Twitter, everyone was waiting for Sony to do the same. Well they finally have and alongside that price reveal we, of course, got some video games. A few new titles, and some more insight into a few we already knew about, here is what we learned about the PlayStation 5 during the price reveal event.

A Price And Release Date

Let’s start off with the obvious one. We finally have a price for the PS5. Fans have been anticipating this for months now with many on the fence about which console they want likely letting the price be the deciding factor for them. There was even more pressure to release a price point when the Xbox Series S was announced to only be $300.

This created an interesting predicament for Sony. Go too high and they risk alienating fans and pushing them straight to their biggest competitor. Go too low to match the Xbox and they risk taking a loss on the consoles themselves just to beat the Xbox in sales. As a result of that, we get a $400 digital only console and a $500 disc console. This feels about as low as they could possibly go while not losing too much, if any money, on sales for the PS5.

So we now have two consoles, each with $500 versions, and a cheaper but still powerful digital only version. The next generation console race is officially on, with the PS5 dropping on November 12 (with preorders already underway).

Final Fantasy 16

Likely the biggest video game related announcement was that Final Fantasy 16 is coming to the PlayStation 5. The latest in the extremely popular JRPG franchise appears to be in a fantasy type setting, but as any Final Fantasy fan knows there will surely be some sci-fi like elements alongside it. The bits of gameplay we did get to see showed a return of the fast paced action style combat that was in Final Fantasy 15 along with some beautiful cutscenes.

Final Fantasy always comes with plenty of hype attached to it, which is to be expected of such a giant title, but it traditionally also comes with delays. Final Fantasy 15 had a development time of 10 years and went through numerous changes. While the game that was shown during the PS5 event had an extensive trailer with voice acting and story set pieces you can never count out a delay when it comes to Final Fantasy. Still, it’s extremely exciting!

Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales

Fans of the first Spider-Man game on PS4 and Into The Spider-Verse were already plenty excited when Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales was unveiled during the first PS5 event, but the second one swung in even harder. This came with gameplay, set pieces, a tiny bit of story, and a release date. Spider-Man: Miles Morales is going to be a PS5 launch title that looks strong enough to convince many people that it’s worth getting the console on launch day.

This game has just the right amount of flair to be a Miles Morales title. Anyone that saw Into The Spider-Verse knows that there is a certain style, substance and coolness to him. This game captures that, as it looks cool, sounds cool, and I’m already extremely excited to play it when the console releases in November.

Let’s Live Our Harry Potter Dreams

The Harry Potter RPG “Hogwarts Legacy” was created to appeal to one specific audience. Every single millennial who grew up a fan of Harry Potter always wanted one thing. They wanted to one day play a game that let them be a Wizard or Witch in the Harry Pottery universe. That dream has never been fully realized until potentially this game.

This trailer hit on all the right notes and everything about it gave off the same charm and wonder that Harry Potter gives off for fans. It is exactly what a Harry Potter game should be. It isn’t a PS5 exclusive, but Sony getting this game to be shown off during their event is likely going to get at least a handful of buyers looking at the PS5 just for the Harry Potter game. That’s a huge win for them.

New God of War

The end card for the PS5 price reveal event was simple. It was the reveal teaser for God of War: Ragnarok and that is all we know. Fans of the 2018 God of War will surely be excited with that game being a serious Game of The Year contender. If Ragnarok is anything like its 2018 counterpart, there is plenty to be excited about.

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Alicia Keys’ ‘ALICIA’ Tracklist Calls On The Likes Of Khalid, Tierra Whack, Miguel And More

Alicia Keys was slated to drop her seventh album, ALICIA, earlier this year but the coronavirus pandemic forced her to delay its release. Prior to the delay, she shared a trio of singles, including “Show Me Love” with Miguel. Despite the delay, Alicia didn’t struggle to stay in the limelight, as fans were able to watch her on Verzuz, the NFL’s kickoff event, and more. Earlier this week, nearly six months after the album’s original release March 20th date, Alicia Keys announced that the album will arrive this Friday, September 18. On Wednesday, the singer returned to deliver its tracklist.

Over 15 tracks, Alicia Keys calls on Tierra Whack, Khalid, Snoh Aalegra, Jill Scott, and more to file guest spots. The announcement comes days after she delivered her latest single, “Love Looks Better,” which premiered at the NFL’s kickoff event last Thursday. Eight songs total off the album are currently available. Among those, “So Done” and “Perfect Way To Die” appear as singles, while “Gramercy Park” can only be heard through her NPR Tiny Desk set from back in June.


01. “Truth Without Love”
02. “Time Machine”
03. “Authors of Forever” ⁣
04. “Wasted Energy” Feat. Diamond Platnumz
05. “Underdog”
06. “3 Hour Drive” Feat. Sampha
07. “Me x 7” Feat. Tierra Whack
08. “Show Me Love” Feat. Miguel
09. “So Done” Feat. Khalid⁣
10. “Gramercy Park”
11. “Love Looks Better”
12. “You Save Me” Feat. Snoh Aalegra
13. “Jill Scott” Feat. Jill Scott
14. “Perfect Way To Die”
15. “Good Job”

ALICIA is out 09/18 via RCA. Pre-order it here.

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The Kings Will Reportedly Hire Rockets Assistant GM Monte McNair As Their Head Of Basketball Operations

The Sacramento Kings cleaned house in their front office after the team fell short of the postseason once again, as Vlade Divac stepped down as general manager. For a team that seems on the cusp of being a playoff contender, their next hire is an important one.

As is the case with so many smaller market teams, the biggest job of the basketball operations department is nailing the draft, and the final nail in the coffin of Divac’s tenure was selecting Marvin Bagley III over Luka Doncic, the latter of whom earned a first team All-NBA spot in his sophomore season. The next Kings GM or head of basketball operations or whatever they choose for the title will have to bring in talent to elevate this team to the next level, and given Sacramento isn’t a major free agent destination, that means nailing the draft and making savvy trades and signings.

It appears the Kings have decided on who that will be, as Rockets assistant GM Monte McNair will reportedly take over as the head of basketball operations, per The Athletic’s Sam Amick and Shams Charania — although, somewhat confusingly, one said head of basketball ops while the other said GM and, honestly, I don’t know if that’s a meaningful difference or not.

Whatever the case, McNair is now tasked with the monumental challenge of building a perennial playoff contender in Sacramento, something they haven’t been able to do there in nearly two decades. There have been shimmers of hope, but organizational dysfunction and missteps have always derailed positive steps forward. This year offered further inclination that this is a team on the precipice of being good, but needs something more. McNair’s job will be finding and bringing that something to Sacramento, a job much easier said than done.

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More people are using Bamboo toilet paper, a sustainable alternative to traditional TP.

Maybe before the events of 2020, you were taking your toilet paper for granted. But chances are, you aren’t anymore. But aside from the shortages earlier in the year, there are larger problems with traditional TP. Specifically, it’s pretty bad for the environment. That said, thanks to a company called Reel, it doesn’t have to be. That’s because their toilet paper is made from bamboo stalks and designed with environmental sustainability in mind.

If you’ve had any experience with environmentally friendly toilet paper in the past, you might be tempted to stop reading. But contrary to the prevailing stereotypes about eco-conscious TP, Reel is renowned for its quality and comfort — so much so that the brand has sold more than a million rolls of the stuff and counting. And it’s done so without contributing to the monstrous devastation of forests that’s associated with the traditional toilet paper industry.

Every roll of Reel toilet paper is made from 100-percent bamboo, and 0 trees. But that’s not where the brand’s environmental consciousness ends. It even extends to the packaging, which is plastic-free, right down to the tape. No dead trees, no environment-choking plastic, no inks, no dyes, and none of the infamous synthetic compound bisphenol A. Best of all, if you use it, there’s no TP-related guilt about the damage your daily bathroom habits might bring to the planet.

Why is using bamboo to make toilet paper better than using trees? For starters, it’s the fastest-growing plant in existence, and can grow as much as three feet in just 24 hours. It’s harvested once a year and never needs replanting, making it an essentially infinite resource compared to trees, while also using up 30-percent less water. And as you’ll feel for yourself once you give Reel a try, bamboo paper is much softer than other papers made from recycled paper or wood fiber, while also retaining bamboo’s natural tensile strength, which is said to be even stronger than some types of steel.

Reel Premium Bamboo Toilet Paper


Reel even has ply-counters covered, too. If you were worried that bamboo toilet paper doesn’t give you the thickness and quality you’re accustomed to in TP, think again, because each role is generally proportioned with three ply for extra softness. In other words: you’re not having to sacrifice comfort for the good of the planet, at least not as far as your toilet paper is concerned.

And Reel’s environmental friendliness isn’t the only good reason to make the switch. The brand also cuts off a slice of their profits for the funding of sanitation projects in developing nations, so you’re helping that important cause with each roll you buy (in addition to helping reduce deforestation and pollution).

Each 24-roll box of Reel premium bamboo toilet paper costs $29.99, but if you’re paranoid about running out, they also offer a subscription service that sends a new box to your door automatically every four weeks, eight weeks, or 12 weeks, depending on how often you usually buy. Customers have also reported that each roll of Reel lasts longer than regular toilet paper since it gets the job done with fewer sheets — another point in favor of bamboo paper..

Your toilet paper doesn’t have to kill trees or choke the environment with bulky plastic packaging. There is a better way. To find out more, check out Reel at its official site, and say hello to a new era of environmentally friendly toilet paper that’s also comfortable, durable, and a pleasure to have around.

*Upworthy may earn a portion of sales revenue from purchases made through affiliate links on our site.

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Indoor “smart garden” lets you grow your own organic food using minimal space.

Growing your own organic herbs, vegetables, and fruits is a great way to eat healthier and, at the same time, do something good for the environment. Unfortunately, a lot of people assume they can’t grow a garden because they don’t have enough space, time, or know-how. But that’s not actually the case. Or at least, it’s not any more. Thanks to an amazing high tech gadget called the Click & Grow Smart Gardens, these days anyone can grow their own organic produce with the touch of a button, no matter where they live.

Fully Automated Gardening? Yes Please

What exactly is the Smart Garden? Click & Grow calls it the Keurig of plants. And that’s actually a pretty great description.

The Click & Grow Smart Garden is a fully automated gardening system that lets anybody grow herbs, fruits, vegetables, and flowers year round, in any environment, with absolutely no effort or horticultural knowledge. Like a Keurig coffee maker, all you have to do is insert a pod, fill the tank with water, and press the button. Technology takes care of the rest.

Click & Grow has over 50 different pre-seeded 100-percent biodegradable plant pods to choose from, including tomatoes, peppers, arugula, green leaf lettuce, basil, chives, cilantro, petunias, pansies, lavender, and so much more. You can also buy “blank” smart soil pods and use your own seeds to create your own custom plant pods. The possibilities are almost endless.

You don’t have to know anything about gardening to use the Click & Grow Smart Garden. However, if you’d like to learn, the Click & Grow companion app can make you a plant expert. Simply check in with the app daily and it will explain exactly what’s happening during each stage of the growing cycle.

How Does It Work?

The Click & Grow Smart Garden uses advanced horticultural technology specifically designed to speed up growth and maximize yields. This technology includes:

  • Biodome Sprouting: lids cover the seed pods during the initial growing phase, creating a greenhouse effect that induces faster sprouting.
  • Grow Lights: professional grade LED grow lights with enhanced light spectra bring about faster germination. These lights turn on and off automatically to mimic the natural light cycle, making sure plants get the exact amount and type of light they need to thrive.
  • Automatic watering: sensors detect moisture levels and automatically water your plants when needed, with each reservoir tank refill lasting about one month.
  • Smart Soil: instead of regular soil, Smart Garden seed pods use a proprietary nano material created by Click & Grow. This material keeps soil pH balanced, automatically releases nutrients in sync with the plant life cycle, and contains micro oxygen pockets to give plants ample breathing room and nutrients when the smart soil is wet.

All this tech wouldn’t be very appealing if it cost an arm and a leg to run. Luckily, the Click & Grow Smart Garden is incredibly efficient. It uses 95-percent less water than traditional agriculture, while producing faster growing cycles without toxic pesticides or fertilizers. Meanwhile, the Smart Garden’s efficient LED grow lights cost roughly $5 to $15 per year to operate. That’s probably less than you’d spend on gas going back and forth to the nursery to get supplies for a traditional backyard garden.

Of course, not every prospective indoor gardener has the same needs. Some people just want a minimalist countertop unit to grow their favorite herbs. Others want a full-blown indoor farm. That’s why Click & Grow created several different Smart Garden models with variable grow capacities.

Click & Grow Smart Garden 3

As the name suggests, the Smart Garden 3 is capable of growing three plants at a time. Measuring just 12 inches wide and 5 inches deep, with a max height of 19 inches, this model fits almost anywhere. That makes it perfect for anyone with extremely limited space, or who isn’t quite ready for a bigger indoor garden.

At just $99.95, the Smart Garden 3 is the most affordable of Click & Grow’s automated gardening systems. It’s available in four different colors and comes with the companion app as well as a complementary set of three basil plant pods.

Click & Grow Smart Garden 27

For those who live by the motto “go big or go home” there’s the Smart Garden 27. Though, in this case, “big” is a relative term. Consisting of three Smart Garden 9 units plus a stylish pine plant stand, the Smart Garden 27 is capable of growing a whopping 27 plants at a time. However, it barely takes up any room. The entire system has a footprint of 26 inches by 10 inches, and it stands just 47 inches tall. So it’s roughly the size of a small bookcase.

The Smart Garden 27 is certainly a more significant investment than the Smart Garden 3. However, if your household consumes a lot of fresh organic product, it won’t take long for the Smart Garden 27 to start paying for itself. It’s available in three different colors and comes with the companion app as well as a complementary set of nine basil plant pods, nine lettuce plant pods, and nine tomato plant pods.

Good For You AND The Planet

Eating local and organic helps you reduce your carbon footprint and cut back on the amount of harmful chemicals that wind up in our watershed. And that used to be pretty expensive. But thanks to the Click & Grow Smart Garden, we can all grow affordable organic produce right in our own homes with just the touch of a button.

If that sounds good to you, click here to learn more about Click & Grow Smart Gardens, today.

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