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When Does ‘Rick And Morty’ Season 7 Come Out?

Earlier this year, Rick and Morty creator Justin Roiland was arrested for felony domestic violence charges, and though they were later dropped, Adult Swim and Roiland parted ways later in the spring. Of course, many people thought that would be the end of the long-running animated comedy, but clearly, nothing can stop this train.

The 10-episode seventh season of Rick and Morty will debut on October 15th, though this time with new voice actors as Roiland provided the voice for most of the characters on the series. Of course, they couldn’t just change the actors without making it a whole thing. As per the official Adult Swim description:

Rick and Morty are back and sounding more like themselves than ever! It’s season seven, and the possibilities are endless: what’s up with Jerry? EVIL Summer?! And will they ever go back to the high school?! Maybe not! But let’s find out! There’s probably less piss than last season. Rick and Morty, 100 years! Or at least until season 10!

The network also released the opening credits for the new season, which promises even more bizarre weirdness audiences know and love, like skiing on tongues, zombies, and Jerry looking weirdly buff. It’s just another day for these two.

(Via The Hollywood Reporter)

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Will ‘Killers Of Flower Moon’ Be On IMAX?

Now that going to the movies is cool again, it’s time for IMAX to really shine. The next great IMAX event will be Killers of the Flower Moon, Martin Scorsese’s epic crime drama, which heads to theaters this fall. This will be Scorsese‘s first movie since 2019’s mini-series-length movie The Irishman. The good news is that Killers of the Flower Moon clocks in at 3 hours and 26 minutes, which is two minutes less than its predecessor. That’s progress!

The film will debut in theaters and IMAX on October 20th, and according to Apple, the film will be digitally remastered into the image and sound quality of the IMAX Experience with “proprietary IMAX Digital Remastering technology.” The “crystal-clear images, coupled with IMAX’s customized theatre geometry and powerful digital audio, create a unique environment” that will make moviegoers “feel as if they are in the movie.” Do you want to be in this movie, which is filled with murder, government cover-ups, and Leonardo DiCaprio’s uncomfortable flirting? Then you’re in luck!

DiCaprio stars alongside Robert De Niro, Lily Gladstone, Jesse Plemmons, Tattoo Cardinal, John Lithgow, and Brendan Fraser in the thriller, which is based on a very real story of the 1921 Osage murders, which then caused a chain of events that took the lives of over two dozen people, known as the “Reign of Terror.” The Osage murders became the FBI’s first major homicide investigation, and you will get to see it displayed on an 8-story screen! Isn’t cinema amazing?

Killers of the Flower Moon will head to AppleTV after its theatrical release on October 20th.

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When Does Lil Wayne’s ‘Tha Fix Before Tha VI’ Come Out?

Lil Wayne has a well-earned reputation for being one of the most productive rap artists around — even in the current era of biannual releases, deluxe editions, and streaming re-releases that has given listeners no shortage of options. And although his latest album, Funeral, was released over three years ago, the break he’s taken has only given him more time to work on even more new music.

His next release, apparently, will be Tha Fix Before Tha VI. While there’s not a lot of info on what this project is or what’s on it, it’s clear that it’s meant to be a table-setter for his upcoming sixth installment of Tha Carter.

When Does Lil Wayne’s Tha Fix Before Tha VI Come Out?

While Wayne shared a link to a pre-save page for the project, the New Orleans rapper’s reticence toward promoting himself on social media means there isn’t much information on a release date. After pre-saving, fans are given the option to sign up for the artist’s mailing list, but even searching for the project on Apple Music, Google, or Spotify offers few answers.

So even though we don’t know when Tha Fix Before Tha VI is due, it certainly sounds like Wayne has a wealth of new material coming down pipeline — as befits an artist with his penchant for productivity.

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Women are shocking their boyfriends by showing them how tampons actually work

Menstrual taboos are as old as time and found across cultures. They’ve been used to separate women from men physically — menstrual huts are still a thing — and socially, by creating the perception that a natural bodily function is a sign of weakness.

Even in today’s world women are deemed unfit for positions of power because some men actually believe they won’t be able to handle stressful situations while mensurating.

“Menstruation is an opening for attack: a mark of shame, a sign of weakness, an argument to keep women out of positions of power,’ Colin Schultz writes in Popular Science.

The big problem with menstrual taboos is the way that males are educated on the subject leaves them with a patchwork of ideas that don’t necessarily add up to the whole picture. First, there’s the information they get from growing up with women in the house.

Then, there are the cryptic descriptions of menstruation seen in advertising and the cold, scientific way the topic is taught in sex education.

“Boys’ early learning about menstruation is haphazard,” a 2011 study published in the Journal of Family Issues reads. “The mysterious nature of what happens to girls contributes to a gap in boys’ knowledge about female bodies and to some negative views about girls.”

Unfortunately, the gaps in the average man’s understanding of a complex female health issue can put women in a difficult position. Whether it’s denying them positions of power or a failure to understand their discomfort.

That’s why it’s so important for men to become better educated about menstruation.

A group of women on TikTok are helping the men in their lives better understand the subject by showing them how tampons work on the inside of their bodies by dousing them in water. They call it the Boyfriend Challenge. Some of the guys’ reactions are clearly over-the-top, but it’s also obvious that many of them have no idea how tampons function.

A video by the Demery family has gone viral attracting nearly eight million views. It’s fun to watch, but it also shows men how tampons function and what women go through during their monthly cycle.

@thedemeryfamily22 His reaction is priceless😂 #cutecouple #pregnant #prego #viral #InLove #couplegoals #trend #tampon ♬ original sound – Kolby&Jas❤️

Rachel’s man just uttered the phrase “vagina parachute.”

@mrshillery829 Of course I had to make my husband do this! I will forever call tampons “vagina parachutes”! LMAO!! #tamponchallenge #husbandpranks #funny #fyp ♬ original sound – Rachel Hillery

Paulina’s man was completely flummoxed by the inner workings of a tampon. “You’ve been carrying this like, inside of you?” he asks. “The whole day?”

@paulinat showing him how a tampôn works😭 @fabioguerrrraa ♬ original sound – Pau Torres

This guy thinks it’s “like a butterfly.”

@amanialzubi showing my boyfriend how a tampon works 🤣😳❤️ ( @originalisrael ) #comedy #couple #couplegoals #foryou #trend #tiktok ♬ original sound – amani

Ryley just blew her BFF’s mind.

@thekelleyfamily lmaoooo why 😂😭 #tamponchallenge #trend #hilariouscomedy #couple #married #foryoupage #fyp #xyzbca ♬ Quirky – Oleg Kirilkov

This guy was amazed by the absorbancy.

Let’s hope this challenge gave some men out there a better understanding of what women go through every month and a little more sympathy for the women in their lives.

Hopefully it also makes them feel a little more comfortable around period products and inspires them to pick up the correct box of tampons next time they’re at the grocery store.

This article originally appeared on 01.27.21

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People are cracking up at hidden notes a couple left for future homeowners in their bathroom

As anyone who has dipped their toe into home improvement waters knows, home remodeling is a mix of excitement and headaches. It’s fun to freshen things up and make your own mark on your home, but when you’re tearing out the old, you never know what you’re going to find. Something toxic like asbestos or mold? Something cool like money or a box of treasures?

How about a photo of previous homeowners introducing themselves and ribbing you for undoing all their hard work?

That’s what one home remodeler found when they started remodeling their bathroom, and the notes the former owners left for them are leaving people in stitches.

According to, Alex and Jessica Monney were having their bathroom remodeled in 2018 when their contractor sent a photo of something they uncovered during the renovation.

An image shared on Reddit shows the photo of a couple with a message written in pen on the wall next to it: “Hi! We’re the Shinsekis! We remodeled this bathroom summer 1995. If you’re reading this, it means you’re remodeling the bathroom again. What’s wrong with the way we did it?!?!?”

The Shinsekis also left a photo of their pet bunny, with the note, “Hi! I’m Cassie the bunny rabbit. I lived here, too. (I’m potty trained!) I’m going to be the next Cadbury Bunny!”

People loved the Shinsekis’ humor and the entire idea of leaving notes for later homeowners.

“Srsly why doesn’t everybody do this when they remodel it’s awesome and interesting to see who lived there before you!❤️” wrote one person.

“We left notes, coins, pictures, etc throughout my childhood home as my dad remodeled it. That place is full of little time capsules. Poor people who find them are going to think we were crazy!” shared another.

“We found notes throughout the first house we bought as we remodeled it. No pictures but facts about the couple that lived there etc. And there was even a $1 ‘so we could say we found money.’ We left that along with our own set of notes for the next folks. So fun!” wrote another.

When you buy a home, it’s natural to be curious about the history of the house and who lived there before you. Leaving notes for other owners to find years or even decades later is a fun way to connect with people across time in the place you both have called home, and doing so with humor like the Shinsekis did just adds a whole other layer of joy to that connection.

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Men were tested on their knowledge of female anatomy and failed hilariously

When Jimmy Kimmel takes to the street, you know you’re in for a good laugh at just how little we actually know about, well, seemingly anything. That goes for anatomy too. In this case, female anatomy.

In a segment called “What Do You Know About The Female Body?” men try—and hilariously fail—to answer even the most basic questions, like “does a female have one uterus, or two?” much to the amazement of some of their female partners.

Here are some of the very best bits of nonwisdom:

Woman have LOTS of fallopian tubes and ovaries, apparently.

When asked, “how many fallopian tubes does the average lady have?” one man prefaced with “I know I’m gonna be way off,” before answering “four.”

He was right about being way off, indeed. Women usually have one fallopian tube on either side of the uterus, making that two fallopian tubes.

Another guy guessed that a woman has not one, not two, but six ovaries. Which, in case you didn’t know, is three times more than the correct answer (two ovaries, one on either side of the uterus). Where would a woman keep four extra ovaries? Her purse?

A mammogram examines the stomach.

The interviewer also asked: “What part of the body does the mammogram examine?”

“The lower half…” replied one man. Yikes.

And when asked to demonstrate where exactly the “lower half” is, he gestured toward the uppermost part of his belly, seemingly avoiding the actual area a mammogram covers entirely.

PMS is all in the mind, but only annually.

The next question up was “What does PMS stand for?”

One man shyly answered, “Post…mental…syndrome?”

One outta three ain’t bad. But the correct answer is premenstrual syndrome.

And it definitely happens more than “once a year.”

An IUD is a “mammogram device.”

Oh, and a NuvaRing is a “pap schmear,” and a speculum is the actual “IUD.” Holy moly, if you thought IUDs were uncomfortable before…

Things really took a turn once the graphics came out.

And men were asked to point to where the cervix is. Plenty of things were pointed at—like the uterus. But sadly, no cervix findings.

Changing gears, the interview instructed the men to “point at something you know.”

To which one man replied (inaccurately) “uh…that’s a baby?”

Unless the woman is giving birth to a colon, that was incorrect.

Later in the video, a man is asked “where does the baby go?”

“In there,” the man answers after pointing to the ovaries. (Spoiler alert: It doesn’t go there. A fetus grows in the uterus, which this man thought was the cervix.)

His wife, a gynecologist no less, chuckled “I’m mortified…I’m apparently not a very good educator at home for my husband.”

Though this is just for pure fun, it is food for thought.

A woman’s autonomy over her own body has been the subject of much controversial discussion lately. And I can’t help but wonder how certain politicians/leaders would fare if given the same questions. Perhaps it is unwise to try to govern that which is not fully understood, just saying.

You can catch the full segment here:

This article originally appeared on 01.14.22

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Ryan Secreast Worries That He’ll ‘Screw Up’ Hosting ‘Wheel Of Fortune’ Because He’s A Terrible Speller

When the job listing for the Wheel of Fortune hosting gig went up (we can assume there was probably a LinkedIn posting by Pat Sajak himself) there was probably one big prerequisite: knowing how to spell. It’s the most basic thing someone can do when hosting a gameshow that’s literally about spelling words.

So when Ryan Seacrest was called up to host, it would be normal for us to assume that he can spell, or even lie about being able to spell. But even all those years on American Idol didn’t help him with his poker face.

“Actually, I’m a terrible speller,” Secrest willingly admitted to PEOPLE magazine. Seacrest then tried to defend himself, “But, on the show I’m better than on my cell phone when I type or text,” he added. They don’t have spell check during prime time, man! You gotta get your stuff together.

The veteran host then said that he still gets nervous and expects more. “I’m sure I will get nervous jitters. The show has been a staple for people and myself and my family forever. And so you just want to walk out there and do what’s been happening for so many years and not screw it up.” Here’s the thing: many, many people have screwed it up over the years. In fact, people seem to like watching that. So either way, he’ll be fine.

(Via People)

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Lauren Boebert Cannot Even Talk About ‘Encounters At The Southern Border’ Without Everyone Thinking About Her ‘Beetlejuice’ Groping

Rootin’ tootin’ Lauren Boebert is trying, really trying, to make people forget about her Beetlejuice groping and vaping drama. This isn’t exactly working because people really find it rich that Boebert proselytizes about being a good Christian and look what happened. She also happened to be getting funky — in public — with a Democrat Bar Guy whose bar has hosted a drag show, and Boebert has declared those to be a terrible example for children. And yet, again, look what happened at a family-attending production.

As a result, people are riding every word that Boebert happens to tweet, and a lot of them happen to sound like unintentional double entendres. That includes Boebert calling for “joy,” which reminded people of “happy endings” and the congresswoman getting handsy in the middle of a theater, and now… goodness. Here is an actual Boebert missive that uses the words “encounters” and “Southern Border.”

“In the last 24 hours there have been nearly 10,000 encounters at the Southern Border,” Boebert very seriously tweeted. “That brings our five-day total to around 45,000 people – without even including those who slipped through the cracks and weren’t counted. There is absolutely no way our country can survive this insane volume of people for much longer.”

Yikes. Boebert already seems irked that people care so much about this scandal, and the responses are pretty rough when she only wants to return to complaining about migrants. Granted, this probably isn’t nearly as painful as Bar Guy watching his trendy cocktail joint get review bombed, even after he and Boebert stopped seeing each other. Yet people cannot resist commenting upon Boebert’s choice of words, which are simply too much.

Boebert is having another long week, but at least it’s… Hump Day.

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Will Cardi B And Megan Thee Stallion Make A Project Together?

In interview with Complex’s new interview with Megan Thee Stallion, writer Jessica McKinney wondered if Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion considered recording a joint project after the success of their past work.

Naturally, fan accounts on the app formerly-and-forever-known-as Twitter ran with Megan’s answer, posting that the two women “might” have a joint EP on the way. Of course, this led to the assumption that they are almost certainly releasing a shared project, but as with most things on social media, the truth is a little more complicated. So…

Will Cardi B And Megan Thee Stallion Make A Project Together?

Cardi and Megan are now two-for-two when it comes to their history of teaming up for high-profile collaborations. Their 2020 collab “WAP” was a juggernaut, spending four weeks atop the Billboard Hot 100 chart, while their latest, “Bongos,” entered the Hot 100 just outside the top ten and is likely to rise in the coming weeks. With that kind of a track record, it’s no surprise that fans are now wondering if there’s more were that came from.

However, if you take a look at what Megan actually said, it sounds like any sort of project would just be a natural effect of how productive the two have been together. “So I’ve done two songs for her,” she said. “And now I feel like I’m in a space where I know exactly what songs I want her to do for me. So we’re really building a little EP already… So if she wanted to do a little EP, I would definitely be so down to do that, but we are making enough music to already have that.”

So, while the two rappers likely have recorded or will record enough music to put together a short project, it doesn’t sound like there are any immediate plans for one. For one thing, Cardi is gearing up for the release of the follow-up to her debut studio album Invasion Of Privacy. Meanwhile, she has already said that she plans to drop a joint mixtape with her husband Offset and an album in Spanish, so her schedule sounds pretty full for the time being.

Still, Cardi and Meg’s chemistry is such that a joint project would probably be pretty well-received among most music listeners, so if they did decide to go all Watch The Throne, I’m sure they’d have plenty of folks tuning in.

Some artists covered here are Warner Music artists. Uproxx is an independent subsidiary of Warner Music Group.

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Angelica Ross Has Accused Co-Star Emma Roberts Of Making Anti-Trans Remarks On The ‘American Horror Story’ Set

American Horror Story: 1984 actress Angelica Ross accused co-star Emma Roberts of making anti-trans remarks on the set of the FX series.

“I’m standing in front of Emma, talking to her like this, and she’s in front of me, her back against the mirror,” Ross, who is trans, said on Instagram Live on Tuesday. The actress claims Roberts turned to someone named John — possibly producer John J. Gray — and said, “John, Angelica’s being mean.” Ross continued, “John is like, ‘OK, ladies, that’s enough. Let’s get back to work.’ And she then looks at me, and she goes, ‘Don’t you mean lady?’ And she turns around like this and covers her mouth. I’m staring at her looking her dead ass in the [camera] and I’m like trying to process the f*ck she just said.”

The Hollywood Reporter has more:

Ross alleged this was not the first time Roberts has had negative interactions with an actor on a set, telling her Instagram Live viewers that her own decision to not report the incident was based on a fear of retaliation after the outcome of another alleged interaction between someone and Roberts. “My blood is boiling because I’m like, if I say something, it’s gonna be me that’s the problem,” she explained. “I know this because there was someone who spoke up about what she was doing, and they got repercussions from it.”

Ross also alleged that Roberts dropped her voice “several octaves” to impersonate her: “The funniest part? We’re all sitting around & I’m copying Cody’s accent. Didn’t know he had one. Emma then copies my voice & laugh and drops it several octaves. I was SHOOK. She read me for blood with my own words… of course I was self conscious about my voice on set after that.”

In another tweet, she wrote:

On Wednesday, Ross revealed that Roberts reached out to her. “Thank you @RobertsEmma for calling and apologizing, recognizing your behavior was not that of an ally,” she wrote. “I will leave the line open to follow up on your desire to do better and support social justice causes with your platform.”

(Via the Hollywood Reporter)