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The Eastern Conference Playoffs Are Officially Set With The Pacers Win Over Houston

While there is still plenty to sort out in the Western Conference over the final few days of games, things were much quieter in the East. With Milwaukee, Toronto, and Boston all locked into the top three seeds and Brooklyn and Orlando set in seventh and eighth respectively, the only remaining question was who would be the 4-5 matchup and who would face the Celtics.

The Pacers officially set the playoff picture in the East on Wednesday with their 108-104 win over the Rockets, ensuring the Sixers stay in sixth in the East to face Boston. The Pacers will now play the Heat, with Miami able to clinch the 4-seed and “homecourt” for the series with one more win. Here is the full playoff bracket for the East.

1. Milwaukee Bucks vs. 8. Orlando Magic
4. Miami Heat vs. 5. Indiana Pacers

2. Toronto Raptors vs. 7. Brooklyn Nets
3. Boston Celtics vs. 6. Philadelphia 76ers

Things set up quite well for Milwaukee in getting an Orlando team that, since the injury to Jonathan Isaac, has really struggled in the bubble. Toronto faces a Nets team that’s overachieved in Orlando, but shouldn’t be too much of an issue for the Raptors — and, hey, a nice throwback Raptors-Nets series. The marquee first round matchups are surely Heat-Pacers, as we get four-plus games of Jimmy Butler-T.J. Warren beef, and Celtics-Sixers, with Philly getting Joel Embiid back this week.

At this point, attention will fully shift West for the next few days, particularly Thursday as the four potential play-in teams — Blazers, Grizzlies, Suns, and Spurs — will all be in action and looking to earn a spot in the 8-9 series over the weekend.

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City Girls Claim Male Rappers Are Threatened By Female Rappers ‘Doing It Themselves’

Just like the many women thriving in the rap game today, City Girls have had a strong 2020. After member JT’s release from prison, the pair quickly reconnected with Yung Miami to work on their third album, but the project was unfortunately leaked before thy could complete it. Despite the leak, the pair uploaded the album, City On Lock, to streaming services and it’s been well-received by fans. Still riding high off its release, the duo stopped by The Breakfast Club to share their thoughts on hip-hop’s current state. When asked about why men feel a certain way about lyrics coming from women, they had some thoughts.

“Men is just threatened by the women dominating right now, because they are used to being in control of putting women on records,” JT replied. “Now women are starting to team up and do it without them. Now they got so much to say, because back then you had to get on a hot song with a man to go No. 1 or even chart, but now women are doing it themselves.”

Yung Miami chimed in, saying, “I say shut the f*ck up, period. Like just shut up.” She added, “They’ve been talking about this for years for decades, so why is this a problem now.”

You can watch the full interview with City Girls and The Breakfast Club above.

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Watch Alex Jones Use The World’s Smallest Megaphone To Rant Madly At Hikers And Employees Of A Texas Park

It’s been a while since we’ve paid much attention to Alex Jones. Ever since the chili-loving conspiracy theorist was banned from just about every online platform known to man, he’s (thankfully) been a less ubiquitous presence in all of our lives. But every now and again he does something that reminds of his existence in the world, usually because someone filmed him in a public space delivering an unhinged rant about masks or guns or vaccines or something. And such is the case this week after a video has gone viral of Jones using a comically small megaphone to verbally accost the young employees of an Austin, Texas park.

According to the Austin American-Statesman, the maskless (of course) Jones was mad because his wife was denied access to the park because she did not make a reservation to enter it, as is the park’s policy in the era of COVID-19 — an attempt to control crowds during the pandemic.

Reports the American-Statesman:

The video of his greenbelt antics show Jones yelling at park employees, who are seated outside the entrance to check people in.

“Now you guys use your COVID hoax to like set a checkpoint up to take over the parks and start charging?” he asked the masked park employees, most of whom were seated in folding camp chairs at the entrance to the greenbelt. “It’s unconstitutional.”

At one point, Jones walks over to an employee, standing just feet away from him, and asks, “Who are you, masked man?”

“I’m a lifeguard for Barton Springs,” the man replies.

“You’re a lifeguard for Barton Springs, now part of the criminal power grab,” Jones responds.

Okay, a couple of questions:

1. Was the wee megaphone really needed? Why does a shouty, bloated gasbag need a megaphone to talk to people sitting just a few feet away in an otherwise quiet area?

2. Can someone help us find this nice young lady? We’d like to buy her a drink.

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ER doctor’s day-in-the-life story shows reality for healthcare workers 6 months in

Here we are, six months into the coronavirus pandemic, and people are tired. We’re tired of social distancing, wearing masks, the economic uncertainty, the constant debates and denials, all of it.

But no one is more tired than the healthcare workers on the frontline. Those whom we celebrated and hailed as heroes months ago have largely been forgotten as news cycles shift and increased illness and death become “normal.” But they’re still there. They’re still risking themselves to save others. And they’ve been at it for a long time.

Mary Katherine Backstrom shared her experience as the wife of an ER doctor in Florida, explaining the impact this pandemic is having on the people treating its victims and reminding us that healthcare workers are still showing up, despite all of the obstacles that make their jobs harder.

Backstrom wrote:

“When Ian got home from work last Monday, I could tell it had been a rough shift. He kicked his shoes off on the backdoor stoop as he wrapped up a call with a specialist.

‘Please keep me posted,’ I heard him say. ‘I’m hoping they make some progress.’

He’d been off the clock for at least 3 hours, but was still advocating for a patient.

‘Hey baby,’ I said when he walked through the door.

‘Hey,’ he responded with a half-hearted smile. He walked straight past me and the children.

The kids used to squeal and attack their Daddy when he walked through the door from work. It was his favorite thing in the whole wide world, but it’s not allowed anymore.

The ‘Daddy’s Home!’ hug has been canceled for some time, now. One more thing the pandemic has stolen.

Ian disappeared into our bedroom after throwing his scrubs straight in the wash. He jumped in the shower and I went outside to sprayed down his shoes with disinfectant.

Twenty minutes later, we sat down for dinner.

I asked him how his work day was. He was worried sick over a patient. They had come to the hospital critically ill, and tested positive for Covid.

‘He was terrified, MK. The look on his face broke my heart.’

Ian pushed his chicken around with a fork, but seemed too distracted to eat.

‘Do you know what he said to me before he was intubated?’ he continued. ‘He said he was sorry. He thought the whole thing was a hoax.’

The frustration on Ian’s face was plain. He was fighting an uphill battle. How do you save a country that doesn’t believe it’s sick?

I didn’t ask for any more details. I knew how my husband was feeling.

Heck, ask ANY health care worker how they are feeling right now. I can tell you what they’re going to say.

They are tired. Bone tired.

Mentally, physically, and spiritually.

Six months later, the pandemic is still here. It’s still claiming lives at a horrifying pace.

40,000 lives.




These workers who months ago were hailed as ‘heroes’ have practically been forgotten. But they are still out there on the frontlines.

Still diagnosing, still intubating, still holding the hands of dying patients. Still risking their health (and the health of their families) by showing up, every day.

They are fighting against a growing monster, that feels more and more unconquerable. Not that it keeps them from doing their job.

Accolades be damned, healthcare workers show up.

As their pay is cut. As nurses are let go. As the pandemic rages on.

Healthcare workers show up.

As the virus spreads. As conspiracy theories abound.

Healthcare workers show up.

They put their N95s in a brown paper lunch sack, praying it works for another week. They make their arrangements ‘just in case’…but healthcare workers show up.


Two days later at 4 am, I woke to the sound of our Keurig. I rolled out of bed to give Ian a hug and wish him a good day at work. There was a tired sadness in his eyes, so I asked him if something was wrong.

‘My patient died,’ he said with a sigh. ‘The one I was so worried about.’

‘I’m so sorry,’ I said, hugging him tight. ‘You did everything you could.’

The conflict was clear across his face, but he didn’t argue the point. He just grabbed his coffee and kissed my cheek, then headed out the door.

Because even when they are devastated. Even when they are tired. Even when they are losing hope. Even as conspiracy theories thrive, medicine is politicized, and sound science is rejected. As an out-of-control pandemic wrecks havoc on the community they serve…

Even then.

Perhaps, especially then.

Healthcare workers show up.

❤️ Healthcare burnout is at an all time high. Please share this message and thank a HCW today. They are STILL everyday heroes. ❤️”

The post has been shared widely, with fellow healthcare workers commenting with gratitude and solidarity:

“Thank you! Psychiatric nurse here. We are so tired and there just isn’t enough to go around and still SO MANY that don’t believe.”

“I work with covid patients. My fellow X-ray techs and I take these patients chest and abdominal X-rays. It has been a battle, to say the least. It’s a slap in the face to us to all by those who think it’s the flu, or a hoax or don’t wear masks. My coworker and I were talking today about how difficult it had been and even though things are better in Illinois, it’s still here. We still work, no pay raises, cut hours, shifting of hours and nobody has taken vacation days since all this began. We are sad, tired, burned out and ridden with anxiety. Thank you for the thank you.”

“[Thank you] for your observation and words of encouragement to all of us in this field. It is scary, heartbreaking and devastating, never would I have imagined encountering something like this in my career as I’m sure others have felt the same.”

“Love this story, and it makes me sad at the same time, because this is about as close to the truth as it gets 😢 I work in EMS, and it’s so disheartening, that people aren’t taking this seriously, and they believe that masks are of no help at all! Please people, wake up….I will pray, that you aren’t my next patient 😔”

“Yes! My husband is in EMS and has been caring for Covid patients several times a shift for months. He and at least 14 others in his service are out with Covid currently. We’ve been so careful but there’s only so much you can do when it’s your job. My entire family has it currently and it’s awful. Hugs.”

“This is so so true! As an ICU nurse I know the death of COVID all too well 😔 I try to avoid the ignorance of non-medical people, their misguided information frustrates and saddens me.”

“I’m a health care worker. I was saying to my husband as I’m starting a 5 day rotation. I told him I’m filled with dread. My stomach is queasy, my heart hurts. I’m on the verge of tears.We are pushed to our limits. We’re a small rural hospital, we get PPE but we have to take care of it until it’s worn out or no longer safe. More rooms for COVID added weekly. All I can do is pray for safety of myself and my co workers. This thing is so real. I know how Ian feels. Much love MK.”

“My husband is a nurse. He cares deeply for his patients. Covid is breaking his heart. We have to stay completely separate from him because on of our sons has leukemia. He lives in two rooms of our home. Climbs in and out of a window. He can’t be hugged by his family! It is frustrating to read the posts that say this a political virus or a hoax. I am praying for your husband along with all our frontline workers.”

“I am in RN in a COVID ICU and it’s devastating what this disease is doing to people and so incredibly heartbreaking. Thank you for posting this as I do feel we have been forgotten.”

Here’s to all the healthcare workers who continue to show up, continue to care, continue to put their own lives and health on the line to save others. They continue to be the heroes of this battle and deserve our continued, unbridled support.

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‘Hamilton’ Dominated The Streaming Ratings This Summer, According To A New Study

The Hamilton movie — which is to say the extremely immersive live recording of the blockbuster musical with its original cast — only dropped on Disney+ less than a month ago, and though we already knew it was a hit, we may not have been able to guess by how much. As per Variety, a new study claims it was the most popular piece of content on all streamers, and by a ton, mopping the floor with everything, even the heavy-hitters.

The study — which, by the way, is too be taken with a quarry of salt, given that streamers only release data when it makes them look good — has it that during the month of July the Hamilton film was responsible for 37% of viewership. For contrast, second place goes to old episodes of Unsolved Mysteries, available on Netflix, which has about a third of that, or 13.7% to be exact. America’s rapping founding fathers also conquered Charlize Theron’s The Old Guard (10.6%), Amazon’s Hanna show (9.6%), Andy Samberg’s Palm Springs (8.1%), even fellow Disney+ content Frozen 2 (down in 9th place with 6.6%).

Here’s another bit of context: The top draw in June was Space Force, the Netflix show with Steve Carell. That claimed a mere 8.3% of the viewership during a month when the numbers were a but more evenly distributed.

So what’s the takeaway? People really, really, really like Lin-Manuel’s take on the United State’s first Secretary of the Treasury. Of course, that you already knew.

(Via Variety)

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Giannis Antetokounmpo Got A One-Game Suspension For Headbutting Moe Wagner

Giannis Antetokounmpo is not usually one for losing his composure, but on Tuesday night, the reigning league MVP got tossed from Milwaukee’s game against Washington for headbutting Wizards center Moe Wagner. His ejection came after 10 minutes of work, and while he was following things from the locker room, the Bucks took care of business and won, 126-113.

It was expected that Antetokounmpo would receive some sort of punishment from the league for this, and on Wednesday afternoon, it was announced that he’s caught a one-game suspension. As a result, he’ll be on the sideline for Milwaukee’s game against Memphis on Thursday.

This isn’t particularly huge news for Milwaukee — odds are Antetokounmpo wasn’t going to go all-out during the final seeding game with the team’s No. 1 seed locked into place — but the implications are gigantic in the race for the 8 and 9 seeds in the Western Conference. The Portland Trail Blazers are in eighth, a half-game up on the Grizzlies in ninth and the Phoenix Suns in 10th. The easiest path forward for Memphis is to just take care of business, and while the Bucks are incredibly deep, that becomes slightly less difficult with Antetokounmpo out.

As for Phoenix and Portland, the former play the Dallas Mavericks in a game that tips off at the same time as Bucks-Grizzlies. The latter, meanwhile, play the Nets on Thursday evening, so they’ll know exactly what they have to do when they take the floor.

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PSG Stormed Back With Two Late Goals To Beat Atalanta In The Champions League

Paris Saint-Germain looked dead and buried in their Champions League quarterfinal tilt against Italian side Atalanta. Thanks to a silky finish in the 26th minute by Mario Pasalic and a bevy of missed chances by PSG star Neymar, it looked like PSG — which is synonymous for crashing and burning in European competition — was going to add yet another data point to the narrative that they cannot get it done at the continental level.

And then, all hell broke loose, and thanks to a pair of goals within minutes of one another, the Parisians came back from the dead to knock off Atalanta, 2-1, and advance to the club’s first Champions League semifinals in 25 years.

For supporters of the French giants, PSG kept getting infuriatingly close, but just could not beat Marco Sportiello in goal. Just on the verge of injury time, Eric Maxim Choupo-Moting carried the ball from the left flank and into the midfield. He played in a ball that fell to the feet of Neymar, who looked set to go for goal but, perhaps accidentally, slid the ball across the face of goal. There, his center back and countryman Marquinhos, who tapped it in to draw Paris level.

The French side were roaring in the minutes leading up to the goal, but getting the first seemed to breathe a new life into them in their search for a second. They did not have to wait until any sort of extra time for that, though, as Neymar and Kylian Mbappe combined to see the Frenchman through. Mbappe saw Choupo-Moting darting towards goal, played in a pass, and in the blink of an eye, PSG had gone ahead.

Atalanta is perhaps Europe’s most aggressive side, and their inability to see through the match ended up being their downfall. They were one of the best stories in all of European football this year, so it is unfortunate that things ended so abruptly for them, but even though it took PSG quite some time to score, they were the better side for much of the night. As a result, they will move onto the semifinals, where they will face one of RB Leipzig or Atletico Madrid on Tuesday, Aug. 18.

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Lil Keed’s ‘Here’ Video Channels His Inner Rock Star

With his new album Trapped On Cleveland 3 out now and his sights set on a platinum plaque for it, Atlanta’s Lil Keed releases the video for the latest single from the project, “Here.” The video takes inspiration from glam rock looks of the 1980s, surrounding Keed with a four-piece band and putting him in a classic leather look to complete the homage.

Keed’s ambitions certainly aren’t out of reach at all, now that he’s been selected as a XXL Freshman for 2020. He appeared on this year’s cover alongside breakout stars like Chika, Jack Harlow, and Rod Wave, drawing eyeballs that may have missed previous efforts like his “Fox 5” video with Gunna. Between the XXL appearance and a co-sign from no less a superstar than Drake at a show in LA last year, the Young Thug-signed, Young Stoner Life Records rapper is well on his way to joining collaborators like Lil Baby and Lil Uzi Vert as a huge star. In the meantime, prospective Lil Keed fans can check out his most recent project, Long Live Mexico, which dropped in June of 2019.

Watch Lil Keed’s “Here” video above.

Trapped On Cleveland 3 is out now via 300 Entertainment. Get it here.

Lil Keed is a Warner Music artist. Uproxx is an independent subsidiary of Warner Music Group.

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What’s On Tonight: ‘Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.’ Says Goodbye, And ‘Storm Over Brooklyn’ Lands On HBO

If nothing below suits your sensibilities, check out our guide to What You Should Watch On Streaming Right Now.

Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (ABC, 10:00 p.m.) — The agents must outsmart the Chronicoms if they hope to stop Nathaniel and Sibyl who are getting closer to their endgame: eliminating S.H.I.E.L.D. Tonight marks the show’s final episode, and fans get two hours to bid farewell to this ragtag bunch of world-saving heroes. It’s been a wild ride but luckily, you can re-watch all of it via streaming.

Yusuf Hawkins: Storm Over Brooklyn (HBO, 9:00 p.m.) — HBO’s latest documentary tells the story of Yusuf Hawkins, a black teenager who was murdered in 1989 by a group of young white men in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn. The tragedy, and the official response to it, revealed racial tensions that had been simmering between Black communities and the NYPD for decades, and though it happened over 20 years ago, it feels even more relevant to what’s happening right now.

America’s Got Talent (NBC, 8:00 p.m.) — Five acts from last night’s show move onto the next round.

The 100 (CW, 8:00 p.m.) — Where in the universe is Bellamy Blake? Tonight, we find out. The show has spent most of its final season without its male lead, but this episode is dedicated to his pilgrimage on an alien planet that leads to a character-altering crisis of faith.

Coroner (CW, 9:00 p.m.) — Jenny is called to the scene when a cannabis mogul is murdered and the investigation leads her to an alternate world.

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Russell Westbrook Is Out With A Strained Quad And Will Be Evaluated Before The Playoffs

The Houston Rockets are set to shut down Russell Westbrook for the remainder of the seeding games in the NBA’s Orlando Bubble. The team announced that Westbrook suffered a strained muscle in his right quadriceps, and as a result, he will not appear in the team’s seeding game finale against the Philadelphia 76ers on Friday evening.

Westbrook had previously been day-to-day with the quad issue in the Bubble, which cost him games against both the Los Angeles Lakers and the Sacramento Kings, although he did play 27 minutes in the team’s loss to the San Antonio Spurs on Tuesday. As the release says, the team will evaluate Westbrook prior to the start of the postseason.

Houston is currently in a seeding battle in the middle of the Western Conference, and heading into Wednesday’s game against the Indiana Pacers, it sat in fourth place, 1.5 games behind the Denver Nuggets in third and a game up on the Oklahoma City Thunder in fifth. Westbrook is critical to the chaotic style the Rockets have adopted since the NBA’s trade deadline, so while they would assuredly want him to be able to go right now, it is far more important to make sure he is at 100 percent during the postseason, something that is especially true in the event they make it through the first round and presumably run into one of the Los Angeles squads.