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Southern Toddler’s Adorable Grocery List Has the Internet Swoonin

Image by Alicja from Pixabay

One of the best things about the tech that we have today is being able to record videos of cute kids. Any time they do something adorable, we can record it. This way, years later, we can replay and hear their sweet little voices.

A Southern Mom Hits Record

A southern mom by the name of Chrystal Logsdon thought to grab her phone and hit record when her son was doing something cute. At only 52 seconds, the video went viral after being posted to Facebook – and we’re really not surprised at all. Chrystal’s son is helping to make a grocery list. He has such an amazing southern accent, so everyone fell instantly in love with him. He pretended to write down everything on his own notepad. And he repeated every item that his mom tells him about.

Spaghetti became ‘sketti and bananas became nanas.

This little boy was so eager to help his mom with the grocery list.

Image by Adina Voicu from Pixabay

The Cliffhanger!

The boy didn’t want to accept mom’s answer that they were done with the list. He insisted that they needed more things. So, he turned to dad to find out if there were any more items that were needed.

That’s when the video ends!

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

We hate that we never got to hear about any more items that this sweet boy needed to add to the grocery list. Luckily, the video lives on and we can watch it again and again.

If you know someone who needs a smile, this video is worth sharing. Oh, that accent!


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Slippery Showdown: Dad’s Epic Ice Struggle Has His Wife Crying with Laughter

Photo by David Bayliss on Unsplash

Snow, ice, and freezing temperatures can complicate things during the winter months. Even a trip down the driveway can be catastrophic. Luckily, laughter is a great way of warming us all the way to our core!

Photo by Seiya Maeda on Unsplash

Laughing at Someone Else’s Expense

It’s not always something we admit, but the truth is that when someone else takes a spill, we find it funny. A UK wife asked her husband to take out the trash. It was quite cold. And this simple chore left her in tears as she laughed so hard at her husband’s misfortunes.

As she saw what was happening, she immediately reached for her phone to record the incident.

Alun Miles, the husband, tried to move his trash can from the driveway to the curb. The thin layer of black ice made that harder than it should have been.

Image by Bruno from Pixabay

So, What Happened?

Alun kept sliding all over the driveway. And his wife and kids were cackling as they saw what was happening. The garbage truck drove right past him because he didn’t have the can at the curb yet. Meanwhile, you can hear his wife giving him some advice – to put the can in front of him. That may have been the funniest part of the entire video.

The good news is that he never truly got hurt. He managed to get the can to the curb. And thanks to his wife, she posted the video online so that we could all get some laughs.


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Stop Chilling Your Onions! Why Your Fridge is Ruining Their Flavor

Onions are an important culinary staple to keep in the kitchen. However, I’ve often gotten into an argument with my husband over where they should be stored. He says that they should go in the fridge while I think it’s best to keep them in the pantry. I always heard that keeping onions in the fridge will impact their flavor.

I decided to do some research, so hopefully this helps you with any debates you may have in the future, too.

Image by Robert Owen-Wahl from Pixabay

Cold Storage & Onions

Placing items in the refrigerator is generally considered a way to prevent spoilage and extend freshness. But, not all vegetables require this kind of cold storage.

Before you toss your onions into the fridge, here are a few things to consider:

  • Temperature: Onions prefer cool, dry areas. The fridge can be too cold and too humid, leading to advanced decomposition.
  • Humidity: When there’s too much humidity in a fridge, onions can mold and even rot (even in a crisper drawer).
  • Ethylene gas: Onions will emit this gas, and this will speed up their ripening (and spoil faster). It can also lead to spoilage of other ethylene-sensitive produce. The solution: segregation.
  • Accessibility: When you put your onions in the fridge, they’re often out of sight. Keeping them on the counter in a basket makes them more accessible, so you are more likely to use them.
  • Texture and flavor: Onions are known for their crisp “crunch,” as well as strong flavor. They will become softer and less pungent in the confines of a fridge.

Image by Marco Costanzi from Pixabay

The Best Ways to Store Onions

You want your onions to last, so it’s best to keep them in a cool, dry place like inside your pantry. You should also make sure that there is some kind of ventilation so that they don’t get too moist – a basket or mesh bag will help.

Here are a few other things:

  • Inspect your onions regularly
  • Keep your onions separate from other produce
  • Only use the fridge if you won’t use your onions for a few weeks

Ultimately, you want to do whatever you can to preserve the flavor and freshness of your onions. When possible, keep them out of the fridge.


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I Mixed Bleach and Ammonia—My Mother-in-Law Freaked Out (Turns Out, She Was Right)

My cleaning routine usually involves making a few sprays of my own because I want something powerful that will cut through grease and grime. My MIL was visiting and saw me mix bleach and ammonia. She said the chemical smell was too strong and harshly criticized me for mixing these.

Is there a real danger here?

Bleach + Ammonia

There is a danger to mixing bleach and ammonia, but many people don’t know this. It all has to do with the chemical reactions that are likely to occur.

Both bleach and ammonia are powerful on their own. Then they get mixed together, a toxic gas known as chloramine is produced. It can pose various health risks.

Photo by Anton on Unsplash

Toxic Fumes Occur

Chloramine gas, when formed, is toxic. It can lead to such problems as:

  • Irritated eyes
  • Severe respiratory distress
  • Watery eyes
  • Chest pain
  • Nausea

If exposed to the toxic chemical reaction long enough, it can even cause damage to the respiratory tract!

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Added Dangers

Often, people mix the chemicals without knowing of the dangerous chemical reaction. Then, they start cleaning in a room where there isn’t sufficient ventilation. The more you inhale, the more serious the conditions can be. Plus, it can exacerbate other health problems, such as asthma.

Mixing ammonia and bleach doesn’t lead to a more powerful cleaning agent.

Here are a few best practices:

  • Read the labels
  • Create plenty of ventilation
  • Contact local poison control if you’ve experienced exposure and serious symptoms.

While it can be scary to learn that you created a toxic chemical reaction, there are plenty of products that you can mix – like vinegar and baking soda. If you’re not sure what chemicals you can mix, it’s best to stick with a store-bought cleaning product (and don’t mix it with anything).


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My Doctor Wants Me on Acid Reflux Meds – But I’m Fighting Back Naturally!

I’ve been experiencing acid reflux more frequently. When I talked to my doctor about it, he suggested going on meds. However, I was determined not to be on medications. I knew that there were lifestyle changes I could make, so I began exploring.

Let me share what I found.

First, let’s talk about what acid reflux actually is.

What is Acid Reflux?

Acid reflux is also referred to as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). It happens when stomach acid flows back into the esophagus, which can lead to irritation, heartburn, and regurgitation. Depending on frequency, it can be quite uncomfortable.

Establishing a Good Diet

A healthy diet is critical when it comes to managing acid reflux. Various foods will trigger reflux.

Here are some foods to avoid:

  • Spicy foods
  • Fatty & fried foods
  • Onions and garlic
  • Citrusy fruits
  • Caffeine
  • Carbonated beverages

There are also foods that can help to manage acid reflux. These are the ones you want to incorporate more of throughout your daily eating:

  • Oatmeal
  • Green veggies
  • Lean meats
  • Ginger
  • Whole grains

Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

Practicing Portion Control

You don’t want to eat too much as it will put pressure on your lower esophageal sphincter, causing the reflux to occur. It’s better to eat smaller meals more frequently. You should also eat slowly and chew thoroughly.

Here are a few more best practices:

  • Avoid eating large meals close to bedtime
  • Manage your weight
  • Reduce your stress & anxiety
  • Avoid tobacco and alcohol to boost digestive health

By making a few changes to your diet and lifestyle, you can often get GERD under control. If you’ve done everything you can and the symptoms continue (or get worse), it might be time to talk to your doctor to see if medication is the best answer or if there are other medical conditions that need to be addressed.


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Freckles, Birthmarks… and Black Tongue Spots? The Truth About Your Pup’s Unique Feature!

Photo by James Barker on Unsplash

Adopting a dog can be so much fun, especially as you get to know who they are and what makes them such a great dog. Black spots on a dog’s tongue is definitely an interesting trait, and if you’ve never come across it before, your dog becomes that much more unique.

I’ve never seen black spots on a dog’s tongue before, and I’ve owned a number of dogs over the years. So, I decided to explore why that is and if my new dog is okay.

Dog Tongues: Normal Variations

Just as humans have a number of features that can vary, the same can be true of dogs. The “normal” color for a dog’s tongue is pink. However, breed, genetics, and pigmentation can all impact their tongue.

Think about it. Some humans have freckles or birthmarks, so why can’t a dog’s tongue have spots?

In most instances, the spots are harmless. It’s just due to pigmentation.

Photo by Vitor Fontes on Unsplash

Why Are There Black Spots?

The black spots are usually because of pigmentation. It’s similar to how a dog may have a batch of black fur or skin. Most of the time, the spots are flat and don’t cause any discomfort for the dog.

Interesting fact: sometimes, due to pigmentation, the spots can also be blue or purple, too.

There are a few breeds more likely to have black spots on their tongues, including:

  • Chow Chow
  • Shar Pei
  • Golden Retriever
  • Labrador Retriever
  • German Shepherd

Image by Claudia Peters from Pixabay

When to Worry

As mentioned before, most of the time, spots on a dog’s tongue is nothing to worry about. However, if the spots are raised or there are changes in the size of the spots, it is time to talk to your vet. Also, if you think that the spots are causing your dog any kind of discomfort, you should schedule an appointment.

The next time your dog decides to give you kisses, pay attention to their tongue. See spots? Don’t worry. Though, if you see different spots the next time, then and only then should you be concerned.


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Dust First or Vacuum First? My Mother-in-Law Says I’m Doing It All Wrong!

Photo by Katie Pearse on Unsplash

I never knew that there was a “correct” order to do chores until my mother-in-law scolded me for dusting after vacuuming. It sparked quite a debate about vacuuming before or after dusting. Does it really matter? Let’s take a look at some of the reasonings.

Why Dusting and Vacuuming Are Important

Let’s start off by saying that dusting and vacuuming are two separate chores and both important when trying to maintain a clean home. Dusting helps to remove dust from various surfaces like fan blades, tables, and shelves. Vacuuming focuses on cleaning the floors and carpets by sucking up debris.

They target different areas, so is the order important?

Image by Anna from Pixabay

Dusting Before Vacuuming

There’s a reason why dusting is typically done before vacuuming. Dusting can loosen particles that will then fall to the floor. Vacuuming after dusting ensures that everything is sucked up. Otherwise, if you dust afterward, your floors could become dirty again.

There are a few things to consider:

Science: Dusting will cause particles to become airborne. At least some will land on the floor.

Efficiency: Depending on the tools being used, it’s more efficient to dust and then vacuum so that tasks aren’t being redone.

Use of a HEPA filter: If you have a HEPA air filtration system or even a vacuum with such a filter, it will capture airborne particles. This means the order isn’t as important.

Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay

Choose What Works for You

Ultimately, it’s your home and you know what works best. If you prefer to change up the order, you can absolutely do that. In fact, some say that by vacuuming first (and using various handheld attachments), they can see what needs to actually be dusted.

As long as your home is getting clean, you get to choose the order.


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Can You Prevent Heart Disease Without Pills? My Doctor Says Yes—Here’s How!

Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay

Heart disease is the leading cause of death around the globe. There are countless risk factors, and understanding those make it easier to be proactive to prevent heart disease in the first place.

My doctor said that I am at risk of developing heart disease. Meds were mentioned, but I’d rather make a few lifestyle changes.

The good news is that I was given a lot of good information. Let me share…

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Risk Factors

First off, it’s important to identify the most common risk factors:

  • High blood pressure
  • Obesity
  • High cholesterol
  • Diabetes
  • Smoking
  • Sedentary lifestyle

Age and family history also play a role, but you can’t really do anything about those.

Once you look at the risk factors that apply to you, it’s easier to see how you can make changes to your lifestyle.

Establish a Heart Healthy Diet

If you want to prevent heart disease, a heart-healthy diet is critical. This means eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, as well as lean proteins (like chicken and turkey). You should also limit saturated and trans fat, which can often lead to artery blockage.

A few things you can include in your diet are avocados, nuts, and olive oil as these are all considered “healthy fats.”

A Few Tips to Help with Being Heart Healthy

A few lifestyle changes can go a long way to prevent heart disease.

  • Become more active and focus on activities that improve circulation and help you to maintain a healthy body weight.
  • Manage your stress so that you don’t end up increasing your blood pressure.
  • Avoid unhealthy “coping” mechanisms such as smoking and excessive alcohol intake.
  • Get a good night’s sleep, ensuring that you’re getting between 7 and 9 hours every night.

In the end, it’s up to you to maintain your health. Schedule regular doctor’s appointments so that you can receive the necessary screenings. When you make a few lifestyle changes and focus on your health, you will live a healthier and longer life.


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Hypertension Warning? 6 Simple Tweaks to Keep Your Blood Pressure in Check!

Image by Thomas H. from Pixabay

My doctor recently talked to me about high blood pressure, often known as hypertension. Meds were discussed, but I don’t want to be on medication for the rest of my life. That’s when I started to do some research.

What is Hypertension?

Hypertension is often referred to as the ‘silent killer’ because the symptoms aren’t present until there has already been significant damage to the heart. What happens is that there’s too much force to the blood against the artery walls. Stroke and heart disease can occur if this continues for too long.

Blood pressure is expressed as two numbers: systolic / diastolic.

Systolic: The pressure when the heart is beating.

Diastolic: the pressure when the heart is resting between beats.

A normal reading is 120/80, and you are considered hypertensive when you’re at 130/80 or higher.

Image by Olena from Pixabay

What You Can Do to Prevent Hypertension

According to the CDC, healthy living habits are critical to prevent high blood pressure.

Here are some of the things that you can do:

  • Focus on a healthy diet with lean protein, whole grains, and fruits and vegetables
  • Reduce salt intake to less than 2300 mg per day
  • Introduce regular physical activity, including 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise per week
  • Maintain (or achieve) a healthy weight
  • Limit alcohol use
  • Reduce or eliminate tobacco use

Photo by Mufid Majnun on Unsplash

Discuss Your Concerns with a Doctor

It’s important to regularly monitor your blood pressure. If your blood pressure isn’t going down as you make various lifestyle changes, talk to your doctor. There may be underlying conditions that require attention.

By focusing on your health and making changes, it’s often possible to avoid hypertension – and the sooner you start, the healthier you can be.

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Gracie Abrams Postpones Two Additional Tour Dates Amid Battle With An Undisclosed Illness

Gracie Abrams Grammy Awards 2025 (1024x437)
Getty Image

Fans of Gracie Abrams are growing concern with the “That’s So True” singer’s health. Today (March 3), Abrams to Instagram to announce two more of her The Secret Of Us: The Deluxe Tour dates have been postponed.

In the Instagram stories post (obtained by Rolling Stone), Abrams revealed that due to an undisclosed illness she could not move forward with her Nottingham show at Motorpoint Arena today or her Leeds’ gig at First Direct Arena tomorrow (March 4).

“I hate that I have to write this again so soon,” she wrote. “Unfortunately, I am really still struggling with this illness and have been advised that I cannot perform these next two nights.”

She continued: “I can’t tell you how much this breaks my heart,” Abrams wrote in her latest note. “This tour is something I’ve been dreaming of since the album came out and the shows we’ve played so far have meant more to me than I can tell you. The moment we have any concrete details about these two shows in your cities, we will be in touch. Please know I’d give anything to be able to be with you. Thank you for understanding. I’m sending all my love and my deepest regrets.”

Late last month, Abrams pulled out of her February 28 show at Forest National in Brussels, Belgium. “Fighting off something gnarly for the past week, and despite doing everything in my power to keep it contained, it has gotten to a point where all medical advice I’ve received says I cannot perform and need to rest,” she announced.

At this time, the new date for Gracie Abrams’ Nottingham and Leeds performances have not yet been announced. Ticket holders are encourage to check their email for future details.

View the remaining The Secret Of Us: The Deluxe Tour dates here.