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Doctor Warned Me About Chronic Migraines—Here’s How I’m Fighting Back Naturally!

Photo by Ivan Aleksic on Unsplash

Migraines are the absolute worst. It can lead to light and sound sensitivity, a throbbing head, and more. If you encounter migraines on a regular basis, you know that it can be absolutely debilitating.

Chronic migraines are when you get them at least 15 days a month.

While medication is an option, there are ways that you can manage (and even prevent!) migraines naturally.

Determine the Various Triggers

Believe it or not, many times, migraines are triggered by something. Some of the most common triggers include:

  • Disturbance in sleep
  • Certain foods and drinks
  • Strong odors
  • Bright or strobing lights
  • Stress
  • Hormonal changes

It’s not just triggers to be aware of. Various risk factors like gender, age, and family history can also lead to more frequent migraines.

Try a Few Lifestyle Changes

By making a few changes to the way you live your life, you may be able to reduce migraines or say goodbye to them once and for all.

  • Make changes to your diet to get rid of such things as caffeine, processed meats, artificial sweeteners, and even aged cheeses
  • Focus on being more active
  • Stay hydrated by drinking more water throughout the day
  • Manage stress with mindful thinking, nature walks, yoga, and more
  • Exercise more frequently so that you can enjoy the release of endorphins

You may also want to explore a few alternative therapies. This can include chiropractic adjustments and acupuncture.

Image by u_if8o5n0ioo from Pixabay

Track Your Migraines

The best way to improve your migraines is to start a journal. Track when you have the migraines so that you can begin to identify patterns. Is it a certain time of the month? After doing a certain activity?

Relief for migraines is out there, so by identifying when they occur, you can start to change your lifestyle. Pretty soon, you may be able to lead a healthy and happy life without wondering if you’ll experience a piercing migraine again.


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Trying to Lose Weight? Stop Overeating with These Genius Hacks!

Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay

Losing weight is never easy. It requires a significant amount of discipline. One of the biggest challenges is overeating. While you have to make sure you’re eating enough to maintain your energy, you don’t want to eat until you feel stuffed.

Image by zuzyusa from Pixabay

Check out these 8 tips to help you:

  1. Eat Breakfast: Enjoy a morning meal that consists of fat, protein, and carbs.
  2. Eat Every 4 Hours: Eating smaller meals throughout the day will keep you full.
  3. Chew Slowly: Eating slower will allow your body to send the signals to tell you when you’re full.
  4. Start Your Dinner with Greens: A salad will fill you up so you’re less likely to eat more of what’s bad for you.
  5. Stop Eating Processed Foods: Frozen foods, processed snacks, and more will leave you feeling hungry again in minutes.
  6. Eat Your Proteins: A Prevention report says that protein is capable of leaving you feeling more satisfied after a meal.
  7. Keep a Food Journal: Writing down what you eat (or using an app) will help you to se how much you’re really eating.
  8. Get a Good Night’s Sleep: Getting a good night’s sleep will help you improve your health.

Photo by Ali Inay on Unsplash

It might take a while for you to incorporate all of these tips into the way you eat on a daily basis. Over time, though, you’ll stop overeating. Then, you’ll start to see real progress on the scale and how your clothes fit!


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Something’s Biting Me in Bed… and It’s NOT Fleas?! The Shocking Culprits

Do you ever get the sense that something is biting you in the middle of the night? You may even wake up with bites or itchy spots. If you own a pet, your first thought may be that they have fleas, especially if they sleep on or near your bed at night.

If you’re confident your dog doesn’t have fleas, there are actually a few other possibilities to explore. It’s time to play detective in your home, and we have a few ways to help you solve the mystery.

Bed Bugs: These bugs are similar to flea bites, but they hide in mattresses, bed frames, and such. They only come out at night.

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

Mites: A variety of mites exist, but dust mites may be the most likely culprit, especially if there is a lot of dust in the room. A scabies mite is another possibility and can burrow into the skin and lay eggs.

Spiders: Spiders aren’t quite as common, but many will bite humans.

Mosquitoes: Mosquitoes can and will survive indoors. They’re usually more active at night, which could explain getting bitten while you sleep.

Other Insects: Small ants, beetles, and other insects could bite you at night. You’d likely see their presence during the day. They may be attracted to a food source nearby.

Image by Adriana Morales from Pixabay

How to Address the Issue

If you’re able to identify the source of the bites, you can focus on the problem – either with over-the-counter products, a fumigation service, or something else. You may have to inspect your bedding and nearby areas.

If you’re unable to identify the source, it may be necessary to hire a professional pest control company. They can do the necessary inspections and even make recommendations on how to prevent issues in the future.

Once it’s over, you can sleep peacefully without getting bitten while you snooze.


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The Sweet Secret to Better Sleep (and 5 More Raw Honey Hacks!)

Image by PollyDot from Pixabay

Raw honey offers a number of benefits. You can usually find it at a local health food store or even a nearby farmer’s market. It’s always good to have some on hand, even if it’s just used to sweeten your tea on occasion.

It’s great before bed, but let’s go over a few good uses for raw honey.

Get a Better Night’s Sleep

A spoonful of raw honey before bed can help you sleep more soundly. Medical Daily offers the reasoning as honey causing insulin to rise and releasing serotonin. Then, the serotonin converts to melatonin, regulating your sleep better.

Dress a Wound

Raw honey has antibiotic properties, so it can be used on a wound. Since it is sticky, it will work to stay on the wound while it heals.

Image by fancycrave1 from Pixabay


When you are dehydrated and reach for an electrolyte drink, think about making your own instead. ½ cup of orange juice, ½ cup of lemon juice, 2 cups of cold water, 4 tablespoons of honey, and 1/8 teaspoon of salt. Mix in a glass or the blender.

Treat a Fungus

Honey has antifungal properties, so you can apply it to various fungal infections, like athlete’s foot.

Soothe a Sunburn

Who needs aloe? You can use raw honey to help soothe a sunburn instead.

Image by Gasfull from Pixabay

Alleviate Your Allergies

Raw honey produced in the same area that is producing your allergens can be great. Two tablespoons, and it’s like a natural vaccine against the seasonal allergies.

Treat Various Health Problems

Honey can even be used for a number of other health issues, including:

  • Gum disease
  • Colds
  • Sore throat
  • Herpes
  • Scaly scalp
  • Ulcers and gastrointestinal disorders

Who knew that raw honey could be such a great natural home remedy, right? The next time you see some for sale, you might want to go ahead and get a bigger jar!



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Say Goodbye to High Cholesterol! 5 Simple Changes You Can Make at Home

Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay

Hearing that you have high cholesterol is never good news. It’s usually announced by the doctor once you’ve had some labs done as part of your annual checkup. If your cholesterol is really high or you’ve been high for too long, medications are usually discussed.

If you maintain high cholesterol, it can lead to hardening of the arteries, strokes, and heart attacks.

Don’t want to be on meds? There are plenty of diet and lifestyle changes you can make so you can manage your cholesterol naturally.

Eliminate “Bad” Fats

Trans and saturated fats are considered “bad.” Harvard Medical School suggests decreasing your intake of these fats. Be careful not to intake more sugar as you decrease these fats, though.

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

Increase “Good” Fats

Increasing your good fats lowers your LDL (the bad form of cholesterol). Such foods include olive oil, peanut oil, and other plant-based oils. Various fish like salmon, tuna, and herring can also help you get these oils into your diet.

Increase Fiber Intake

More soluble fiber added to your diet is what the Mayo Clinic recommends. This includes such food sources as darker fruits and veggies, nuts, beans, and whole grains.

Image by Wolfgang Eckert from Pixabay

Exercise Frequently

Exercise is capable of impacting your cholesterol level (and can help you lose weight, too). It’s suggested that you do aerobic exercises for at least 30 minutes a day, four times a week.

Reduce Stress

Stress is capable of driving cholesterol numbers up. This means that you should actively work to reduce stress, whether it’s with yoga, deep breathing exercises, or just socializing to let off some steam.

None of this sounds too hard, right? With a bit of effort, you can keep your cholesterol down in order to lead a healthier life.


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Costco’s Food Court Just Made a HUGE Change – And Soda Fans Are Losing It!

Photo by Omar Abascal on Unsplash

The Costco food court is constantly celebrated as one of the top reasons to get a membership. Hot dogs, pizza, and more can be enjoyed, even if you don’t go shopping first. You can just go in and enjoy a quick, cheap lunch.

Now, there’s a big announcement that many people are getting excited about.

Coca-Cola is coming back to the food court.

Image by bosutn from Pixabay

When It’s Coming Back

For quite some time, the food court has had Pepsi fountains. It was rumored that they would be switching back to Coke, but no formal announcement was made.

That’s changing. CEO Ron Vachris made the announcement at a shareholder meeting on January 23, as reported by CNN. Fountains will be returning to Coca-Cola.

When the actual date is that you’ll see the switch is still to be determined.

A Few More Details

The switch from Coke to Pepsi was made back in 2013. This means that many people don’t even remember a time when there was Coke at the Costco food court.

Brand loyalty is significant when it comes to the soda industry. Plenty of people are committed to either Coke or Pepsi, and there is no accepting the alternative.

Based on some of the debates being made on social media, the majority of Costco shoppers are ready to see the fountain switch over to Coca-Cola.

Get ready. The next time you pop into a Costco for a hot dog, you can head over to the fountain to get Coca-Cola. It may just help to make your shopping experience that much better.


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Egg Prices Are Cracking Records – Here’s What Costco & Trader Joe’s Are Doing About It

If you’re visiting Costco or Trader Joe’s to buy your eggs, there’s something you should know. They have decided to address the latest trend: egg hoarding.

Apparently, some people are buying more than a few dozen eggs at a time. This means that people like you and me can’t find eggs so that we can make a nice breakfast.

Egg Supplies: Status

Image by congerdesign from Pixabay

The bird flu has made it harder to get eggs around the country. When there’s low supply and high demand, prices go up. That’s why you’re seeing a carton of a dozen Grade A large eggs costing anywhere between $4 and $12, depending on where you live. Even with the high prices, many stores are selling out the moment that they stock the shelves.

Plenty of stores have posted signs about their shortages. And even more have empty shelves. You can see photos and videos about it all over social media.

What Stores Are Doing

Image by RENATO from Pixabay

Costco, Trader Joe’s, and even Kroger have decided it’s time to do something about the egg hoarding. They’re limiting the number of cartons that people can buy.

According to Today, a Trader Joe’s spokesperson said that, “We are currently limiting egg purchases to one dozen per customer, per day.” This will apply to stores across the country.

Other stores haven’t made official announcements but are limiting the number of cartons by posting signage.

So, if you need eggs, you need to plan on spending more. You may also want to consider limiting your consumption since the stores are limiting your ability to buy as many cartons as you want (and/or need).


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From Bankruptcy to a Lobster Bonanza – This Major Restaurant Is Back!

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

It’s a tough economy, which means that many restaurants and retail stores have been suffering. Many have been closing their doors forever. Red Lobster was one that caused many people to panic about. The beloved seafood restaurant had closed locations around the US and was proceeding with a bankruptcy.

For all of you that dream of Cheddar Bay biscuits, there’s good news.

Red Lobster is back, and they’ve decided to go big with the re-introduction of Lobsterfest.

Photo by Brian J. Tromp on Unsplash

A Twist on Lobsterfest

If you’re familiar with Lobsterfest, you know it has been one of their most popular menu offerings. Now, it’s the Greatest Lobsterfest of All Time. Just call it GLOAT for short, if you will.

The company announced with a press release that it will offer 10 dishes and an upgrade to “Create Your Own.” This means that customers will be able to enjoy lobster the way that they want.

Blake Griffin, an NBA great, has even joined with the restaurant to talk about his love of lobster with a social media campaign.

Photo by Melinda Gimpel on Unsplash

Here’s what you need to know:

  • Unlimited Cheddar Bay biscuits
  • 10 menu items
  • An impressive create your own option
  • Available through April 20, 2025

Isn’t this great news? Not only is Red Lobster making a comeback, but they’re going BIG with the introduction of a new and improved Lobsterfest to welcome everyone back into their restaurants!


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20 Heartbreaking TV Deaths That Had Us Screaming ‘NOT LIKE THIS!

Photo by Ivan Aleksic on Unsplash

Countless TV shows have great actors, great acting, and incredible plots that draw us in. We get attached to the characters of our favorite shows. And when they die on the show, it devastates us.

Whether you tune into a show weekly or go on a binge to watch a season over the course of a weekend (guilty!), we have a list of 20 character deaths that we’re still mourning.

Prepare yourself…this is filled with spoiler alerts!

Derek “McDreamy” Shepherd on Grey’s Anatomy

How many people actually screamed when Derek was killed? Many kept waiting for him to recover, but he didn’t.

George O’Malley on Grey’s Anatomy

No one saw George’s death coming, and when he was brought to the ER and eventually died, it was devastating.

Denny Duquette on Grey’s Anatomy

Denny’s death on the show was a tough one to take, but luckily actor Jeffrey Dean Morgan has gone on to do plenty of other shows.

Photo by Frank Okay on Unsplash

Dr. Mark Greene on ER

Dr. Greene was a favorite on the show, and when he died, it was absolutely heartbreaking.

Glenn on The Walking Dead

A show about zombies means that there will be death, but Glenn’s was just sad.

Opie on Sons of Anarchy

This one was a shocker, and sobbing uncontrollably was a natural reaction.

Oberyn on Game of Thrones

Plenty of people die on the show, but he was such a gorgeous character inside and out.

Hodor on Game of Thrones

This was a tragic death that many people still think about sporadically.

Nate Fisher on Six Feet Under

Who didn’t cry when Nate died on the finale?

Finn Hudson on Glee

Cory Monteith, the actor who portrayed Finn, tragically passed. His death on the show was painful.

Image by Andrew Martin from Pixabay

Jen Lindley on Dawson’s Creek

The finale was shocking because they killed one of the main characters by cancer.

Richard Gilmore on Gilmore Girls

When Gilmore Girls returned, we learned of Richard’s death primarily because of Edward Herrman’s death in real life.

Jack Pearson on This is Us

The show prepared us that Jack would die, but when we learned out how, it was tear-inducing.

Deb Morgan on Dexter

This is still a death that many claim never needed to happen.

Will Gardner on The Good Wife

He faked it, right? Nope. He died, and it was upsetting, to say the very least.

Wes Gibbons on How to Get Away with Murder

Wes was murdered, and no one was prepared for it to happen the way that it did.

Ziva David on NCIS

She had been written off the show a few seasons prior, but it was still quite the shock.

Poussey Washington on Orange is the New Black

Death isn’t always assumed in prison, and Poussey’s murder left many gasping.

Dr. Lance Sweets on Bones

Here’s another one who didn’t deserve to die, and plenty have admitted to crying like a baby.

Mr. Hooper on Sesame Street

Yes, they killed off a Sesame Street character, and many kids learned about death with this episode.


It’s a lot of devastation in one post, right? What was the TV character death that had you reaching for the most tissues?



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Jay-Z Has Reportedly Filed A Countersuit Against Former Rape Accuser After She ‘Voluntarily Admitted’ Her Claims Were ‘A False Malicious Story’

Jay-Z Grammy Awards 2025 (1024x437)
Getty Image

After a tumultuous few weeks, a lawsuit accusing Jay-Z of sexually assaulting alongside Diddy an underage girl was voluntarily dropped. However, in the public’s eyes as well as Jay-Z’s his reputation and finances have taken a devastating hit.

Now, Jay-Z appears to be looking to clear his name for good. Today (March 3), Jay-Z filed a countersuit against his former Jane Doe accuser in Alabama federal court, according to Billboard.

In documents obtained by the outlet, Jay-Z (real name Shawn Carter) claims the accuser “voluntarily admitted” her claims were “a false, malicious story.”

“Mr. Carter does not commence this action lightly,” reads the compliant. “But the extortion and abuse of Mr. Carter by Doe and her lawyers must stop.”

It continues: “Defendants [Jane Doe and former lawyer Tony Buzbee] devised and executed their plan to accuse Mr. Carter of sexual assault and used national news and media outlets to disseminate the fabricated accusations to millions despite the falsity of the accusation. Defendants’ actions were willful and purposeful in order to maximize the reputational harm to Mr. Carter and induce Mr. Carter to pay them.”

“Doe has now voluntarily admitted directly to representatives of Mr. Carter that the story brought before the world in court and on global television was just that: a false, malicious story,” closes the document. “She has admitted that Mr. Carter did not assault her; and that indeed it was Buzbee himself… who pushed her to go forward with the false narrative of the assault by Mr. Carter in order to leverage a maximum payday.”

Buzbee quickly fired back with a statement to the outlet denying the claims made against him. “This case is baloney and has no legal merit,” he wrote. Shawn Carter’s investigators have repeatedly harassed, threatened and harangued this poor woman for weeks trying to intimidate her and make her recant her story. She won’t. Instead, she has stated repeatedly she stands by her claims. These same group of investigators have been caught on tape offering to pay people to sue me and my firm. This is just another attempt to intimidate and bully this poor woman that we will deal with in due course.”

Jay-Z is also suing Tony Buzbee for defamation and extortion.